School Fucking Sucks (Ch 7)

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Becca's POV

It's now the beginning of December. My aunt said it was ok I went and stayed with Alli, Cody, Tommy, Angie, and Brad for Christmas. Alli said that it was ok with her parents. They said I could stay in the guest bedroom. They also said I could stay for the whole week. So I'll be there from the twentieth to the twenty seventh.

School fucking sucks right now. Everyone found out that I used to date Cody. There's a lot of girls at this school that love Cody. So their really mad at me because they think I broke his heart. In reality he broke my heart, and possibly his own. But they're mad at me. I'v been sitting alone at lunch. Collin's friends don't wanna sit with me anymore, and he wants to sit with his friends. So I just sit at a table by myself. At this new school only Seniors can go out for lunch.

I walked into the lunch room. I saw my table waiting for me. I got my lunch and sat down at my table. I took my phone out to text Alli like I usually do. I already had a text on there from her.

"Hey. U at lunch yet?"

"Ya. Why?"

"Just asking. U usually text me during ur lunch."

"Ya. Um, what would u do if girls were being nasty to u?"

"Ignore it or ask them why. Why? Is someone giving u a hard time?"

"Ya. Mostly all the girls at this school love Cody. They found out that I'm the Becca that he used to date. They'v been being mean to me because they think I broke his heart. I used to sit with Collin and his friends but they don't wanna sit with me anymore. They said it's because they don't wanna start to get made fun of too."

"Want me to beat them up? You know I would."

"Lol no. It's ok."

"Well u need to at least tell Cody this."

"I can't."

"Fine then I'm telling him."

"Bell just rung. I'll Skype you later?"

"Ya. Ok. Bye."


I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket. I picked up my backpack, then threw out the rest of my lunch that I didn't eat. I headed down the hallway with my head down.

Cody's POV

Alli and I are in the recording studio right now. I'v been recording a few new songs for the new album. I'm singing this one part when Alli suddenly looks up from her phone. She turns it off and crosses her arms over her chest. She looks at me with the most serious look on her face. What's up with her? I stepped out of the recording booth. She walked right up to me.

"I need to talk to you for a minute." I followed her into the hall. There was nobody around so she continued. "When are you gonna do our plan?"

"Maybe in a few months, it depends. Why?"

"Because. I don't like seeing you like this, and I now Becca misses you too. She hasn't said it, but I know she does. Becca's getting bullied at school."

"Who? Why?"

"You. They found out that she used to date you. You have a lot of fans in her school and their all mad at her. They think she broke your heart. Not just that, Collin and his friends are afraid to sit with her at lunch. Their afraid of getting bullied too." I can't think strait.

"But why would they bully her because of me?"

"Your fans are really protective of you Codes. What are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna say something on twitter." I took out my phone and quickly typed up something.

@CodySimpson: "Can you stop bullying Becca? You know who you are. It's not nice."

"It's taken care of." I walked back in to sing the next song.


I'm dedicating this chapter to my best friend Polkadots182 because what Alli did and said reminds me of something my best friend would do. Do you have a friend like that?

Love you<3

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