Starbucks Love (Ch 16)

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Becca's POV

After hanging out with Cody all day yesterday I promised Alli I would hang out with her today. She said we would stop at Starbucks first, then the mall, then possibly the beach. We decided to walk when Cody dropped us off in the city. Alli started going nuts when she saw a Starbucks.

"Can we go there first?" She asked excitedly.

"Your planning this day out out so it's up to you." She smiled and we headed inside. We got up to the counter and the guy was so cute! He's tall, has brown hair that's pushed up in front like Cody used to wear his hair when he was 16 and 17. He also had dark brown eyes. He was so gorgeous.

"Hey Alli." He said.

"Hey Jeff." He looked in my eyes and smiled.

"So who's your friend?"

"This is Becca. Becca this is Jeff." I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said shyly. He has the most adorable smile ever, and he has dimples. Who doesn't love dimples?

"The regular for Alli, and what can I get for the most beautiful girl I'v seen today?"

"Can I get an ice coffee, with sugar and creamer?"

"Sure thing. We have vanilla flavored if you like that."

"No, I'm allergic."

"Ok, I'll be right back." It was weird how this Starbucks works. But there aren't a lot of people here so he probably doesn't mind making our coffee. He came back, we payed, and he gave us our coffee's.

"It was nice to meet you Becca. I hope to see you again."

"Well Alli is obsessed with Starbucks so I'm sure I'll see you again." We laughed and Alli and I left. We started walking and sipped our drinks.

"Oh my god. Check the side of your cup to see if he spelled your name wrong. It's funny if they do." I looked at her's and Jeff spelled it Ally. We laughed then looked at mine. He spelled it write, but he also put something else on it. Call me beautiful ;) and he left his number. I showed Alli and she shrieked.

"You think I should call him? Or do you think it'd be a little weird?"

"How would it be weird?"

"You know with Cody and everything."

"It won't be weird. Sure Cody hates Jeff's guts, but he broke up with you. It's fine if you date other people. He dated Gigi and you didn't necessarily like her."

"True." I took my phone out and put the number on my cup down as Jeff. I pressed call and put my phone up to my ear.

"Your gonna call him right now? You can't call him so soon!"

"Oh hush." The phone rang a couple times before he picked up.


"Hi. Is this Jeff?"

"Yes indeed it is. Is this that beautiful girl?"

"Ya. I just wanted to make sure you didn't give me a fake number." He chuckled on the other end.

"Well while I have you I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight?"

"I'd love to."

"Ok. I'll pick you up later."

"Ok, I'll text you the address."

"I'll see you later then. Seven sound good?"

"Ya. See you." I hung up and put my phone away after texting him the address.

"So what'd he say?" Alli asked excited.

"Looks like I have a date tonight."

"Ok well we're going strait to the mall to find you a new outfit." She pulled me along.


We took a little longer than expected. We walked in the house. I got a new outfit for my date, and some other things as well. Alli got some stuff too. I went upstairs and put my stuff in my room. I lay out my outfit and took the tags off. I went back downstairs to tell Alli I was getting ready. I got in the shower and took the fastest shower I have ever taken. When I got out I brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a towel to get dressed. I made sure the door was locked before getting dressed. I put on the new cut off jean shorts, white tank top, and blue plaid button up. I left a couple buttons unbuttoned. I yelled to Alli so she can help with my hair while I do my makeup. Jeff's gonna be here in fifteen minutes.

Alli started to curl my long brown hair while I did my makeup. I put on concealer, some mascara, and some lip stick. I was done with my makeup and waited patiently for Alli to finish. I looked in the mirror and it didn't even look like I was wearing any makeup. I put my new shoes on while Alli put the finishing touches on my hair. My shoes were simple white high tops. She finished and we went downstairs. Angie was in the kitchen and we walked in.

"You know you didn't have to get dressed up for dinner right Becca?" Angie asked. Cody was sitting at the counter on his laptop eating almonds. I sat next to him and took a couple almonds. Cody glanced at me. My hair wasn't too curly but it was noticeably curlier. I liked it a lot.

"I know." I laughed. "I have a date."

"Oh? With who?" Angie sometimes acted more like my best friend.

"She has a Starbucks love." Alli announced making kissy faces. Cody looked up now. Fully getting into the conversation.

"His name is Jeff." I rolled my eyes at Alli. "He'll be here in" I checked my phone for the time. "about three minutes."

"Well I hope you have fun tonight." Angie smiled at me then turned back to the stove.

"Is this Jeff guy that douche from Starbucks?" Cody asked Alli.

"Cody!" Angie said shocked.

"Sorry mum but he is one."

"Yes it is, and he isn't. He's very sweet." I answered for Alli.

"He is really sweet. You should've seen the way he looked at Becca. It was adorable." There was a knock on the door and I got up. I gave Angie and Alli a hug goodbye. Cody following close behind. He stood in the doorway of the kitchen as I opened the door.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled.

"Hey Jeff." I gave him a short hug. I noticed he was also wearing a blue plaid button up.

"Hey great minds think alike." I giggled. "Wanna get going?" He asked.

"Sure. Bye Angie! Bye Alli!"

"Be back by twelve!" Angie yelled back. Cody watched as I walked out the door with Jeff.


I got back at exactly twelve. Not a second after. He walked me up to the door to say goodnight.

"I had a great time. Thank you." I said. He took me out to dinner then to the beach.

"I'm glad." We both started to lean in. The door flung open when we were just about to kiss and Cody stood there.

"I thought I heard voices out here." He said nonchalantly. Jeff nodded towards Cody.

"Well goodnight Becca."

"Night Jeff." He kissed my cheek then walked to his car. I waved s he drove off and walked right passed Cody. I went upstairs and changed into something else. I went back downstairs to find Alli to tell her everything.

Cody's POV

I can't believe she went out with that douche. I can't believe she left me here alone and went out with him. Then when she got home I caught them almost kissing, then Becca went right passed me. Not even acknowledging me.

I can't take this. I love her too much. But if I feel like this now, how am I going to feel when there in the living room acting all couply?


I brought Jeff back! He's in a couple chapters in If You Left Him For Me.

Love you<3

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