Trying To Forget (Ch 5)

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Becca's POV

School started about two and a half months ago. It's ok I guess. At least Steve isn't here to bother me. I also have the best tour guide. Collin showed me around before first bell. I have at least two classes with him. No I'm not dating Collin. I still love Cody even though he technically cheated on me. I haven't texted Cody in a while, but I'v been talking to Alli regularly. She said Cody's doing ok. She said at first he hung out with Gigi a lot, but he hasn't lately. He's just been up in his room most of the time. Alli thinks he's not doing anything, but I know that he's probably writing new songs. He supposedly has a new album coming out soon.

The warning bell rung. I told Collin I'd see him later or something then headed of the Biology. This class sucks cause she makes us sit in assigned seats. The worst thing though is I'm stuck sitting in between two douche bags. The only good thing about this class is she doesn't care if you have your phone out. I'll probably just text Alli. I sat down and she started talking about how we're gonna start dissecting frogs and pig hearts next week. I took out my phone.

"Hey Al. Hows it goin?"

"Good. U?"

"Grossed out."

"Lol why?"

"I'm in biology and she's showing diagrams of how to dissect a frog and a pig heart. It's kinda gross."

"I would hate to do that!"

"Well the guys seem pretty excited about's Cody?"

"I honestly don't know. I haven't seen him in a while. He's still upstairs."

"I think he's writing songs."

"Maybe. I'm not sure. How's Collin ;)"

"U know it's not like that, but he's good. He's still keeping his distance."

"Cody didn't want me to tell you this but he invited Gigi over yesterday. It wasn't good..."

"What happened?"

"Well he didn't want me to tell u but they've been dating. They were dating since u guys broke up. Well I was upstairs and they were outside. I don't know what happened but they got in a fight. I'v never seen Cody so mad before. He's been in his room since yesterday afternoon and hasn't come down once."

"U think I should text him?"

"I think that'd help."

"Ok I'll be right back."


I tapped on Cody's name in my contacts. I haven't talked to him in awhile. I tried to type up something to say to him.

"Hey Cody. Haven't talked in awhile. How are you?" He typed back almost immediately.

"Hey. I'm good. You?"

"Ok I guess. Alli just told me what happened last night. Are you sure your ok?"


"Are you writing new songs?"

"Yes. I have been ever since the last time I called you." That was when he broke up with me.

"What was the fight about?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes. Believe me, or don't, but I do." He didn't reply right away. Maybe he just gave up. I looked up and saw an open pig heart on the screen. Why do we even have to learn about this shit? Ya because when I'm older I'm gonna have to know how to dissect a pig heart.

"You." Just one simple word, yet it affected me so much.


"We were talking about my last tour and I brought up how I chose to leave early to see you. She asked a simple question    Would you do that for me? Would you leave tour early to see me too?    I hesitated. I didn't know how to answer. She got mad and we got in a fight."

"Oh, I'm sorry." He didn't text me back after that we just left it as is.


I walked out the front with Collin to the car that was waiting for us. We got in and headed strait home. I went up to my room saying I wasn't hungry. I locked my door and opened my lap top. I put Love on repeat. I just love the way Cody's voice sounds in this. Just because he broke up with me doesn't mean I'm not gonna still be a fan. I started to type up the paper I have to do for History. It has to be done by tomorrow, and we had two weeks to do it. Being my dumb self I waited until the night before to do it.

I got to the fourth paragraph before my phone went off. I picked it up to see it was Alli.

"You didn't tell me how it went earlier when you were texting Cody."

"Sorry I just forgot. He told me what they fought about."

"Really? What?"

"He said they were talking about his last tour then he brought up that he ended the tour early to come see me. She asked him if he would do that for her and he hesitated. Then she exploded at him."

"Oh. He's still in his room though. I can hear him singing from my room. When are you coming back? I miss you :("

"I told you he was writing!! I miss you too :( Maybe I can convince my aunt to let me go for Christmas if it's ok with your mom and dad."

"Are you kidding me? Of course they'll be ok with it! If not then I hide you in my closet so they won't know your here."

"Lol. I gotta finish a paper for school I'll text you later."


I continued to write my paper. My History teacher will be really upset if I don't hand this in tomorrow.

Cody's POV

I don't want to be around people right now. Usually I would just talk to Alli and everything would be ok again. But this time is different. It's so different. I wrote down another lyric to a new song I'm writing. I have a note book in front of me and my guitar on my lap. I keep glancing at my phone hoping she'll text me again but I know she wont. I don't think I can continue to go out with Gigi. I just don't feel the way I did when I was with Becca as when I'm with her.

Alli has knocked on my door a couple times. I just ignored it and she eventually went away. Only to come back half an hour later. I almost snapped at her a few times. I'm just confused right now. I just want to be alone and think for awhile.

I know I was the one that said we should have a break but I still love her, and I miss her. The thing is I'm trying to forget, but I just can't.


Love you<3

Don't Forget (BK: 2 of If You Left Him For Me {A Cody Simpson Fanfiction})Where stories live. Discover now