Chapter One

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My dress attire consists of me wearing black 3 inch heals, a beautiful black dress that sticks to my curves, with it being mid-thigh length, with my briefcase in hand as I met up with the guys at our meeting point. My hair is in a high ponytail and im wearing glasses that sparkles my beautiful hazel eyes. I enter right after Jake. John and G are in suits whereas Jake is wearing a delivery boy uniform. I really love dressing up when heading to the meeting location.

"Who wants their numbers boosted?" I ask with a smirk on my face. My second older brother Jesse comes in after me in a janitors outfit with the janitors cart. Did I mention I'm the third Attica of the family. No, well, there you go!

"I heard there was something wrong with the toilets", He says and we all laugh softly when he says that as he turns his hat around like the little thug he is.

"Alright, fellas an babygirl, we got less than one hour. Let's go", G tells us.

The boys reach into the cart Jesse has, and start gearing up. I don't change because I'm not heading to the bank floor. I handle all surveillance and communication. As I bend down to pick up my laptop, John looks over and whistles.

"You sure as hell filled out nicely baby girl", John says and I chuckle softly as Jake and Jesse hit him hard upside the head. I hacked the banks security feed in under ten seconds. Its incredible to see everything they see and not see.

"I don't think my lovely BoyFriend would appreciate you checking out my figure", I smirk at John.

"Let's keep focus, fellas", G says, giving John his famous serious pointed looks. I make sure the guys earpieces are in good and send them on their takers way.

I watch on the security footage as the guys get off the elevators on the ground floor.

"Now, Baby girl", G tells me and I cut the security footage to the elevators and shut them down all except for the ones that's cleared for exit. My distraction from the footage would be good so whoever's working surveillance will be focusing on something else. I watch as the guys walk in an do their thing. They take out the security guard on the floor and gets everyone down. I smile with a shake of my head when Jesse salutes with a toss piece sign at the camera. My brother can be so full of himself. Everything goes good until one of the bank receptionists push the silent alarm. There's always that one idiot who tries to be a hero. Chick doesn't even know that she just helped our job. Once the alarm activated, you can't turn it off. The screen shows John taking the girl to the phone as I cut the footage on the bank floor and close my laptop after making sure it can't be traced back to me. I threw the guys clothes and anything else that they brought went right into the cart.

I push the cart out of an open window and it falls into the alleyway besides the bank an lands next to my car. Guess I calculated that magnificently. I take the stairs and see my amazing man coming up. I touch his cheek an smile at him before exiting out the back and heading to my car. I lit up a cigarette and take a few drags before pouring gas all over the smashed cart and as I finish my last drag, I threw it on the pile. The flames grow as I watch and make sure everything gets burned to ash. I make my ways towards my car and see a news helicopter leave from the top of the bank. I grin before hopping into my black 1967 dodge challenger an drove off.

I've been in the crew since I turned 20 and Jake found out what a computer whiz I am. Not to flatter but damn can I hack and have never been caught Ever!
      I can hack into anything you tell me to even the FBI, an governments database. Its my job, I'm a thief. I never got to introduce myself.

       My name is Jayce Attica and Jesse and Jake Attica are my crazy brothers!!!!

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