Chapter 7

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I sit on the couch next to AJ calling Jesse's cell but no answer, straight to voicemail. I throw my phone against the wall," Damnit", I yell. AJ wraps his arm around my waist and stuffs his face in my hair whispering soothing word. He gently pulls me down with him as we sit back on the couch. I take a deep breathe to calm myself!

"What about you, Jake? anything from Jesse?", G asks to which Jake shakes his head

"nothing yet", he sighs as I look at him

" Jake, something must have went wrong. I can feel it in my gut!' I say looking him directly in the eyes.

He sighs," I never should have brought you guys in on this",

" its not your fault. we were gonna do this whether you liked it or not", I tell him seriously

'here Ghost", I hear G and look over to see him handing Ghost a card," that's the account card for the 04' job", He then hands Ghost an envelope", and this is the 250 grand you owe the Russians".

" That puts us even now Ghost", John says and Ghost laughs

" say what Rahway', Ghost asks

" you heard me. That puts us even", John states

' Alright my plan and your command. I knew I could trust y'all", Ghost says which sounds off with how he said it. Then a banging on the door, gets our attention, drawing our guns out and slowly but cautiously walk towards the door. AJ puts me behind him and tells Jake to open the door.

" its him, where have you been? we've been calling you?', Jake questions him and I holster my gun. I see his appearance and my stomach clenches. He walks into the room breathing hard and he's got small cuts an bruises forming. He sits heavily on the couch and I walk up next to him gently grabbing his face

"Jesse, talk to me hun, what happened", I ask gently looking at the cuts

"Police chased me", Jesse says

"You brought them here. Jesse, you brought them here?", G asks

" No, I shot one of them", Jesse says looking into my eyes with s much emotions swirling in them. I let go his face an back up a bit trying to understand what the hell he just said!

" WHAT!", everyone yells at him

"Hold up! you shot a cop", Jake says

" I had to man", Jesse says

"wheres the money?", Ghost speaks up

"I stashed it", Jesse says

" You left the money! Damn!", Ghost began chuckling, like everything was a joke to him.

" hold up Jesse talk to me, what happened?", G says standing across from Jesse

"I was at the ice cream stand where me an Jayce separated not even a minute or two later, two cops began to chase me", Jesse explains

"Why? Tell me why?", Ghost asks

"Hold up, Ghost!" G yells at him," Why'd you shoot him?".

" I had not choice. He had me cold, man. He never fired at me. It was like he wanted me to shoot him", Jesse says looking at us

"Stupid ass!" Ghost laughs

" Shit! I'll beat the shit out of you", G says and goes to lunge at Jesse. I draw my gun quickly an stand in front of Jesse. Jake grabs G before he could get closer to my brother

"G let it go!", Jake yells

"You don't shoot cops!", G shouts at him

" I swear to God, that if you don't back the hell up. I will shoot you and anyone else who tries to hurt him", I told them with a cold dead look and everyone stares at me.

"Jayce.....!", G starts but I cut him off

" I'm serious. I love you all except for ass face who I have no problem with shooting, but this is my flesh and blood. I want everyone to step back and calm the fuck down. What's done is done. There is no turning back!", I say an G steps back along with AJ, which hurt a bit, but I cover it quickly. I put my gun away taking a deep breath

"Jayce....", Jesse began

"Not a word right now Jesse Attica", I say walking away.

I stood next to AJ and see him messing with his gun. Jake at the bar, Ghost staring out the window an looking at his watch as if he's waiting for something. John and G are off to the side. I take a shot of whatever Jake has an down it.

"So Jesse, how'd it feel losing that money, shooting that cop?", Ghost says and Jesse just looks at him with no sign of emotion on his face.

"Ghost, easy", AJ tells him

"Ghost, we ain't gotta act like we friends anymore, do we?", John asks standing up an loosening his tie

"Hey, business is business. Money is money. I never said we were friends. Now, me and Lily, however....", Ghost says and Jake tries to lunge at him but is stopped by AJ

"Come here", Jake says fighting against AJ's hold on him.

" I told twice, I have no problem with shooting you, Ghost. Shut up!", I tell him and he smirks walking into the bathroom.

AJ gets Jake to calm down and he sits at the bar., I walk up to Jesse who looks scared that I'll hit him or worse

" I'm sorry Jesse!", I tell him before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

" I'm sorry to Jayce for everything", he says and I squeeze him lightly

" We're gonna be okay. We'll figure this out and we are gonna be fine!" I say pulling back and kissing his cheek. I walk over to Jake and rub his back," we're gonna be okay", I say to him. He nods his head an takes a sip of his drink. I walk over to the couch and sit next to AJ. I grab his hand and interlace our fingers.

"I love you, AJ", I tell him looking directly into his eyes.

" I love you to Jayce", He tells me before kissing me softly. I lay my head on his shoulder and we all sit there quietly, not knowing what was gonna happen next!!

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