Chapter Four

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AJ and I planned out how we were gonna get the C4, which by the way I love when he wants to be in charged. Honestly turns me on a bit. So you could say we spent all day doing the you know what.

By the time night came AJ and I were on our way to get the C4. This is honestly my favorite thing to do. I'm wearing tight dark blue skinny jeans, a black tank top that shows off my boobs and shows a lot of cleavage, plus my combat boots. My hair is in a high ponytail, with AJ's jacket that I stole from him couple months back. AJ's wearing dress pants and a dress shirt with his signature fedora hat.

"What's up?" AJ says to the guy as we walk into the trailer. The guy glances at AJ, but looks me up and down, checking me out. We enter the trailer an the "bodyguard" checks both of us. He got way too touchy with me so I grabbed his wrist, bent it back a little as he grunted in pain, as I glared at him!

"You guys come alone?" The guys ask an I nod my head

"Just like we discussed over the phone", I tell him and AJ walks up to his desk

"You Paulie?" He asks

"Like the sign says", Paulie answers "your the ones that want the C4?"

"Like we said over the phone" AJ confirms.

"I know the streets gone dry. Some bought up a big pile of it and that brings you to me" Paulie comments

"You're a very smart man", I said with a smile.

"So let me see you category 1 permit", Paulie asks.

"Permit? I thought this was suppose to be simple", I say and lean on the desk, showing some cleavage and Paulie stares then look back up.

"It is , if you got a permit" Paulie responds and AJ pulls out a wad of cash from his pocket.

Now I hate to break it to you but this can either go two ways: one- Paulie takes the money and gives us the C4. Or two- he's gonna be an asshole and we're gonna have to beat the shit out of him.

"My category 1", AJ says, slamming it down on the desk..

Paulie smirks," yeah, it is simple. We take your money and you don't get shit".

And there's the answer, we're going with number two!

AJ sees one dude swinging a bat at him and blocks it by twisting the dudes arms an hitting him with the bat before tossing the bat at me as the dude falls to the floor. I hit Paulie with it in the ribs as he grabs a gun and he falls over the desk. The bodyguard grabs AJ and lifts him up throwing him into the ceiling, slamming him against it before tossing him through a door to another room.

I hit him from behind and he falls to the floor. I go to hit from behind but Paulie tackles me through the thin walls that break an we fall. I grunt but quickly recover when Paulie gets on top of me and hits me in the face. AJ sees this an quickly hit him in the back with a broom stick he had in his hand.

I slowly get up an spit out blood an the bodyguard gets up slamming AJ into the wall!

I pick up the bat again an holding my rib where a piece of wood splinters is and hit him on the head one good time before he falls to the floor. The other dud tries to grab the bat from my hand but I see from my peripheral vision and strike him in the gut making him fall to the ground before kicking him in the stomach an I collapse next to the desk on my left side where you could see blood. All of a sudden, John an Ghost bust into the room. John is trying to get AJ to stop punching Paulie while Ghost comes to me and tries to help me.

"I'm...I'm good. Don't touch me!" I say holding my rib tighter, which I winced at!
'Must have been a big piece of wood' I thought grunting!

He nods his head and let's me go before turning around and seeing the guy try to get up again. He pistal whips him and points the gun in his face.

"Move, I'll put three holes in yo head like a bowling ball big boy", Ghost says and I chuckle.

"Should have kept it simple, huh?" AJ says to Paulie as he takes the money back from him

"Thought you might need some backup" John says an I chuckle

"Backup", I ask in disbelief before grunting.

"It looked like you were getting yo ass kicked", Ghost adds

"I told you guys to wait in the car", AJ says putting his fedora hat back on.

"You had it under control?" Ghost asks in disbelief

"Actually we did" AJ tells him before walking out.

"We could handle it dummies", I tell them before putting more pressure on my rib where the would was lodged and groaned.

"You OK babe?" I ask AJ as I walk up to him by the car.

"Yeah I'm good", he says spitting out the blood in his mouth. I reach in the car and grab a tissue dabbing at his mouth," are you ok?"

"I'm fine", my eyes blur collapsing a little but AJ caught me an noticed me holding my rib.

"Fine, my ass", he says, moving my hand and seeing the blood.

"I know, your ass is fine" I slur to which he chuckles at.

"Alright i'ma put you in the car, but try not to shut your eyes babe", AJ says kissing my forehead! I just nod an lean against the door.

As soon as the guys got back with the C4, we left to the club to meet with Jake an Jesse, but AJ wanted me cleaned an patched up.

Jake and Jesse were upset but I assured them that I was fine. They didn't seem convinced but didn't pressure on further. We rested and slept in the club, my head on AJ's lap with a cloth over my forehead , as he watches over me which I argued over with him, but he wouldn't have it any other way.
So I rested my head against his neck an curled up against his waist, going into a deep sleep!

My brothers, AJ and I are underground working. AJ is drilling holes in the street and I'm hacking into the street light data frame before getting the street that I want to control the lights on.

"I'm in" I tell Jesse who's on the phone with G

"Jayce is in" Jesse tells G" do your thing baby girl"

I switch all the lights on the street green and watch the cars swerve to miss crashing into each other.

"Ha" I laugh fist pumping

"John says stop showing off", Jesse tells me to which I pout an giggle to an return everything to its normal rotation.

Later that night, I lay in bed when I hear AJ come home. I heard the let's jingle. AJ and I have been together for three years. We have tomorrow set an then its the big time heist.

"Hey Jayce", AJ says as he enters our bedroom

"Hey babe" I say sitting up to look at him,"how'd it go with G?"

"If we still an inch an hour, 16 holes in 64 hours it would get us one day for Jake and I to wire. We gotta keep a schedule though!" He tells me as he strips down to his boxers an gets into bed

"It still feels rushed though", I say cuddling up to his chest.

"I know it us, but everything will work out. We got thus baby, you'll see", he tells me kissing me softly.

"It better. We better make it out of thus or I'm gonna put a bullet in Ghosts head", I tell him firmly!

"We'll be fine babe. I love you!" AJ says and I turn on my side an he wraps his arms firmly around my waist, softly, and did it carefully because the wound on my rib.

I drape my arm over his getting comfortable before falling into a deep sleep!!

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