Chapter Six

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          Its the day of the heist and everyone's loading up the truck, getting ready to go. Everyone's saying their goodbye's to Lily.

" We will be seeing you later. Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens to Jake", I told lily and gave her a big bear hug.

" hey you take care of yourself too, okay?" she says as she pulls back from the hug.

" always do babes" I said before walking to the truck and getting in. I sit across from Ghost next to the back doors. I watch as Lily and Jake say their goodbyes and my heart clenches. Its really sad to see, but i know we will see her later on tonight!

" Lover boy, come on mate", G calls out to Jake and saw that he kissed lily one more time before hopping into the truck and walking forward to the front. I catch Ghost staring at Lily as the truck starts up and I make sure Jake is far enough away

" The past you say huh?", I say with a chuckle," its funny how the past has a way of sneaking up on you and biting you in the ass", I tell Ghost with a smirk. He looks right at me but doesn't say a word.

I move to get changed into my construction uniform.

We get to the streets and head back to the tunnel. I set up and G immediately tells me to mess with the street lights. I do as asked and Ghost is up in disguise as Police officer!

" Officer on duty", Ghost says in the ear piece

" Alright officer, the package is due in five minutes", G says to him before switching to his Bluetooth.

" Crows nest, put an eye on him". I know G is talking to John, we need to make sure if something goes wrong, Ghost doesn't walk away from this!

Everyone grabs a gun and loads them up!

"Package is late", G tells Ghost

"Must've gotten hung up. They'll be here. God damn it, get off my ass" Ghost says

" This is not good. This is not good!" Jake say panicking.

"  It could have gotten stuck in traffic or something', I say trying to be reasonable, but on the inside I'm definitely freaking out like Jake.

"come on guys, have some faith", Ghost says

" I never trusted this guy, this is bad, we got to do something", Jake says

" This is LA man. Nothing runs on time", AJ adds

" Damn all that. We got a shitload of C-4, and we're live down here. Come on", Jake says and I share an intense look with Jesse who is standing next to me.

" where the hell is it, Ghost? talk to me. where is it?", G asks

" They're coming. They'll be here. Y'all need to relax. I told you they coming. Damn!" Ghost says.

" G, we got to make a move. Come on man", Jake says getting antsy and everyone starts talking to him all at once.

" All right!", G yells and everyone shuts up

"They'll be here G, They just running a little behind", Ghost says

" we got to do something. Come on man", Jake says and I look at G with a raised eyebrow.

"Take him out", G says and I know he's definitely talking to John and its silent before Ghost starts yelling

"They're here! They're here goddamn it! I told you they were coming!", Ghost says and I sigh in relief.

" Alright, hold up, hold up", G says and motions for us to get ready.

"They're turning down the ramp now. Alright G, here they come", Ghost says," merging on to 4th".

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