Chapter 8

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We were sitting in silence for a couple of minutes before John and G come bck.

" Alright fellas, we're good. We're out of here. Anyone who wants to fly with.... where's Ghost?", he stops all of a sudden

" In the bathroom", Jesse answers him

" Get Ghost for me", G tells John," Tonight, Scott, 8:30 Van Nuys airport alright? Planes ready. Bring your passports, bags, guns. If you need anything, make sure you give us a call", I stand by AJ with my back facing the door

" Hey, He's gone!", John shouts and everyone's mood is ruined

"What?", G yells and runs to check out the bathroom

" I told you! I told you!", I exclaim

" Damn", Jake yells running his hand over his face

" Let's get out of here! Let's get out of here", G says and then all you could hear next was a loud boom, a sharp pain on my stomach, which makes me collapse to the ground

" Oh shit", I hear G yell before AJ hauls me up and we fly over the bar. My adrenaline starts pumping, and everything seems to be going in slow motion. I pull out my gun, emptying my clip as I fire at the door where the shots were coming from along with AJ

" Jayce, baby girl, are you okay?", Jake yells out to me

" I'm fine" my voice calls out, which was laced with pain, trying to put pressure on my wound but it wasn't working. My body began to sway an feel nauseated. All that was happening around us were gun shots an shouting

" Take out the automatic", John yells

" Jesse", Jake motions for him to go just as Jesse shot the guy. But we were still under heavy fire, and I couldn't keep up with my body as I collapse to the floor, panting from blood lost. AJ pulls me to the end of the bar and stares at Jake who was crouched down behind the couch

" okay?...come on girl", Jake says but I fall back down

"I..... i cant", I struggled saying as I coughed up blood

" out the back", G orders everyone
" come on baby", AJ sadly tries to drag me but I stop him

" you go!" I tell him looking directly in his eyes
" what.. no.... not without you", he says with a tear falling from my eyes

" I'll only slow... you.... down", my words slurred holding on to his hand tightly

" no you listen to me. Together. Do you understand?", AJ says to which I nod my head gritting my teeth together

" Baby girl you can do it", Jake yells holding out his hand for me

" come on baby. On the count of three, we're gonna have to get up and run as fast as we can, okay? You can do it baby", AJ tells me and I nod my head stiffly

" okay", I tell him and he kisses me lightly on the lips
" john, we're coming. You got cover?", AJ calls out to him

" I got you guys come on", he says

" 1...2...3", AJ says and i haul myself up with the help of AJ an run for cover. I look up through blurry vision to see G coming into the room closing the door.

Jake runs to me and holds my face," I need you to focus baby girl. I'm sorry but we have to get out of here", Jake whispers to me sadly and I could only wince with a nod of my head. John didn't come in with us, that made me tear an suck to my stomach. My vision blurred even more as I collapse with AJ still holding me an he gently lowers my body to the ground

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