Short Epilogue

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Three years later:

" Jailyn Attica Anderson get your butt back here", I say chasing my little three year old daughter around the house. She giggles and runs out side to where everyone else were. I stop as she runs into her daddy's arms an he smiles adoringly at her. I smile to myself an walk up to them

" what have I told you about running away from mommy", I say to her as she makes her beedy puppy baby face

" sowwy momwy", she says in her cute little voice that makes me melt an kiss her cheek. AJ wraps an arm around me and I smile up at him as he steals a kiss from me.

I'm happy how my life has turned out. I have my family, the man I love and my beautiful little baby girl. AJ cried when he found out I was pregnant. It was the happiest moment until she was born, not gonna lie I laughed when AJ fainted but cried even harder when he got to hold his little girl for the first time. That was the most Amazing and memorable day of my life! The birth of our little girl!

My names Jayce Attica Anderson and thank you for tagging along the Takers duel of betrayal, trust, love and teamwork!

Love y'all❤️

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