Chapter Three

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Recap:      "Ghost!"


"Ghost?" Lily says shocked

"Its been a long time girl", Ghost tells Lily looking at her. I'm definitely shocked to see him here, in the flesh. Who buys an expensive suit that just came out of prison.

"When'd you get out?" Lily asks clearly in shock.

"Why? Miss me?", Ghost asks going to touch Lily, but Jake quickly stops him.

"Ghost, you need to back up", Jake says in a firm voice. 

"Easy Jake, I wish you the best. It's the past. I'm here to talk about the future if I may?" Ghost says walking further in like he owns the place. Thinks we're still friends. AJ's now sitting in the chair and I'm sitting on his lap, with an arm around my waist.

"Hold you tomorrow, Ghost", John says

"I'm not here to bust any balls. Its just business. Alright?" Ghost says and G slightly nods his head.

"AJ man, any new tats?", Ghost asks looking at AJ

"Yeah, man a couple" AJ responds

"Me too, wow look at the beautiful Ms. Attica my have you grown out. Your looking damn good girl. Its good to see you", he says looking right at me

"If only my response was the same as your bullshit", I say with a fake smile on my face. AJ put his hand on my thigh, to which Ghost notices but of course doesn't speak on it. I see Jake talking to Lily and her leaving.

"G, how's my man?" Ghost aasks and he shakes his hand with G

"I'm good mate", G says. The tension in the took is high leveled.

"A lot of tension on the room, huh?" Ghost ask as I glare at him

"That means nobody wants to be in the presence of an asshole", I said out loud And Ghost smirks at me before shaking his head with a chuckle. AJ squeezes my thigh and I cross my arm, looking away as I massage my temples. My chest ached a bit from where I got shot. AJ moved hand an rubbed it for me as he pulled me to lay against his chest to which I sighed at..

"What do you want, Ghost?" G asks. Which I'm faithful no one noticed my slight pain.

"Goddamn, its like that?" Ghost asks looking around the room.

"Its like that" G confirms and I saw the slight frown on his face. But wipes it away with a smug look on his face as he takes a cigar from the cigar box.

"Well, I'll be brief. I say we go Italian Job on that ass", Ghost says and I stiffened. This asshole wants us to blow up a street. We all exchange glances. G laughs!.

"Why don't we take this upstairs guys, baby girl?" G asks as we get up and follow him to the roof. It doesn't matter to them that I'm female, the guys always include me on everything.

"Same plan as before, gentlemen and beauty. 25 to 35 mill, and all the cash you can carry. We gotta move fast though" Ghost says and im just thinking to how fast this fool wants this done.

"How fast?", G asks

"By next Tuesday", Ghost answers and I stare with shock!

"What?" G says

"Ghost you want us to take down an armored truck in five days?" Jake states in disbelief..

"Thats not even worth talking about unless you got the route and they change the route all the time, which screws us up", G says.

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