Disaeard completly

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All was still for a minute. All you could here was the quiet sniffles of a sister sitting over her brothers body and the souls shuffling to suck some life out of the demon that had lost all his color and was now a dimmed triangle laying face down on the floor.

Suddenly the souls began to develope shape and color. They now instead of looking like shadows of people, now looked like transparent colored people. There was one that looked exactly like Grunkle Stan but it couldn't be- they were standing right next to each other.

Dipper tried to opened his eyes but couldn't manage to keep them open long but he managed to spot the shadow transforming into one of his best friends he had made over the long summer, Wendy. Dipper tried to speak but Mabel stopped him not wanting him to hurt him self even more then he already was. Wendy turned around and looked at the twins and it looked like she'd just seen a ghost. Dipper tried to give her a half smile to show her he was okay but with blood still pooling from multiple places on his face, that wasn't some thing he could fake.

Mabel held Dipper in her arms almost like how you would hold a baby. Wendy aproched the twins and put her hands on Dippers cheeks, gesturing for Mabel to move. She gave the 2 their space.

Wendy whispered, "Thank you for trying to save me," this time Dipper did show a smile. "But this wasn't your place to interfere. I made my choice and it was for you to live on. I would ushaly encourage you to to keep trying, and get us both back to our universe but considering the circumstances I think it's better to leave it alone."

Suddenly Wendy pressed her lips against Dipper's cheek and embraced him tightly. Dipper opened his eyes fully and began to heal. His gash immediately healed up and he stopped bleeding. He put his newly fixed arm around Wendy and watched her loose all of her color. In no time she was back to being a shadow, and then disappeared completely. She had given all her newly gained energy to a Dipper to heal him.

Alternate Ending | Gravity fallsWhere stories live. Discover now