The Vending

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The moon started to rise as Dippers time was ticking away. Grunkle Stan was in the living room watching TV and finishing off his 3rd can of Pitt Cola. Dipper lay on the table in the gift shop it had been 5 hours since the fight and neither of them had moved an inch since then. Dipper gently let the journal fall of his face as he was tired of reading the same pages looking for any clues.

After hours of only the journal Dipper was finally snapped back into reality when he realized how hungry he was. He had not eaten since his breakfast with Mabel that morning. He stood up and wandered over to the vending machine with the 'Out of order' sigh on it. He'd know it was fake but he generally assumed that it was Stan's brilliant idea to get the people to starve until they bought his new $12 Stan cakes.

Dipper held is journal as he pulled a quarter out of his short's pockets. He slid it into the slot and entered his numbers. When the chips he wanted didn't fall he slammed his journal across the key bored entering a series of random letters. Suddenly the box's quiet buzzing came to a stop.

The machine let out a loud sigh as the glass covering cracked opening. Dipper slid his fingers into the opening and pulled it open. A cold draft hit him as he stuck his head in.

"Hello?" He whispered. The room was very dark but he could make out a stair case as far as he could see. Dipper grabbed a 'shake and glow Stan' off a close by merchandise table and started down the dark stairs.

Alternate Ending | Gravity fallsWhere stories live. Discover now