Chapter 3

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Grayson came to pick me up at the time he said.

"So where are we going Grayson?" I asked.

"You said surprise you so I can't say." He said with a smirk on his face.

30 minutes passed and we were finally at our destination.

"Well, uh, we're here," Grayson said.

"Where is 'here' exactly?" I asked.

"It's a hiking trail," he said.

"So you want me to hike all the way up and then what? Did you even bring any food?" I asked.

"Of course I brought food Marley. And if you don't want to walk then I'd be more than happy to carry you." Gray said.

"No it's fine I'll walk. But where is the food?" I asked.

Grayson walked behind the car to the trunk and opened it. "Right here," he said while picking up a picnic basket.

"Okay well let's go then. I'm starving." I said.

When we got done walking the sun was already setting. There was a breeze so I was a little chilly.

"Here, take my hoodie," Gray said, already taking off his hoodie.

"No it's fine. You're wearing a tank top so you need it more than me," I said, obviously shaking.

"Marley I know you. You're always cold. Here take it of I will put it on for you," he said with a smile.

"Thank you Gray," I said. I took the hoodie and put it on as fast as I could.

We sat down on a blanket in a small patch of grass and Grayson started to unpack the food.

"YES!! Pizza!!" I said excitedly.
"Wait how did you keep it warm?"

"I have a mini battery operated heater in there," he said.

"I didn't know one of those existed," I said surprised.

"Me neither...until I found one," he said.

"Don't be a smart ass," I said laughing and giving him a small push.

After we both stopped laughing he looked me in the eyes. We started leaning closer together then once were were inches away I turned my head and took a bite of my pizza.

Grayson gasped and I laughed.

"How could you tease me like that?" Grayson said laughing.

"I was hungry," I said with my mouth full.

He just shrugged and grabbed a slice for himself.

Once we both devoured literally the whole pizza we packed up everything and started to head back to the car.

It was extremely dark outside so we had to take out our flashlights to see where we were going.

"I swear to god if you get us lost Grayson I will smack you," I threaten.

"Ooo Marley. Where?" he said in a girly voice.

"You're disgusting. Get your head out of the gutter," I said giggling.

"Seriously though. I'm not gonna get us lost," he said.

"So how much longer until we're to the car," I asked.

"I'd say about 10 more minutes," he said.

After he said that there was a noise that came from the woods just a few feet away.

"Grayson? What was that?" I asked while grabbing onto his arm.

"It's probably just a wild animal or something," he said, shrugging it off.

"Yeah, or something," I replied.

"Do you see that?" He asked.

"Oh my god. Who is that?" I asked.

About 20 feet in front of us there was a car with its lights facing us. It was so bright we had to cover our eyes a little. There was also someone in front of the car holding a bat.

"What the fu-" Grayson was saying until he got hit on the head with a bat.

"Oh my god Grays-" I started to say then my vision went black and I passed out.

-November 22nd, 2016- 🌸

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