1: school....or maybe it's hell

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Ok guys this isn't gonna follow the story just yet. This is like a little episode so they can at least see our main character. They aren't gonna come in till after school though.
Kai's pov

"Ugghhhh.... I don't wanna go to school. I already know everything there and I won't pay attention anyway." I growled under my breath. I have to go to Oran. Yay. Note my sarcasm.

I kick my closet door open and stare at this yellow piece of crap in front Me. What the HELL was that?! I wouldn't give a single shit if its yellow but a damn dress? Ha, like I'm gonna actually wear that.

I grabbed the dress, walked down to the living room, turned the fire on, and threw it in there. I just watched it burn for the next 10 minutes. After it was all messed up, I took a picture of it and walked back up stairs. What? I live alone so it's not like I'm gonna get in trouble or anything.

I walked back to my closet and threw on a white t-shirt with black letters that spell Pierce the Veil, grey skinny jeans, white converse, and my black beanie. And that, my people, is how you dress. I walked back into the kitchen and made some frozen waffles. When they were done in the toaster I put piles of whipped cream on it then stuffed it all into my mouth.

I ran to the door and picked up my skateboard and my backpack.

"Oh, hey Kai." I heard someone say. Turning my head, I come face to face, or face to chest, with him. I step back a little and look at him, smiling.

"What's up haru?" I asked. He smiled back at me and we started walking to school even if I was gonna ride my skateboard there. Whatever. Might as well walk with my bud.

"I'm doing pretty good. You?" He asked. I shrugged making him chuckle lightly. Then was when I noticed that he had the uniform.

"Hey when did you get the uniform?" I asked him. He scratched at the nape of his neck and laughed nervously.

"It's actually a crazy story. You see, I was looking for a place to study when-" and he told me the whole long ass story about how he broke a vase. I mean, they're rich people they can just pay for it, not haruhi.

"Well that sucks." I stated up front. He laughed whole heartedly and looked down at me. He's taller than me, obviously. "You laugh a lot ya know that?"

"Well I don't usually laugh. You're just entertaining." Haru said with a closed eye smile.  I smiled right back and saw that we made it to the school. I instantly lost all interest in the building. Which wasn't very much to start with.

"It's pink. Nooooo....." I sulked. He sighed from beside me and picked me up bridle style. "Nooo...Haru, I don't wanna..." I whined as I kicked my feet around and pouted.

"Well you have to get your schedule so deal with it." Haru said. I made more complaining noises causing people to look at us. When they were on the side where my head was, I would make faces at them and they would either laugh(mostly boys) or give off a disgusted look(mostly girls). I don't see what's so nasty but whatever.

I must have spaced out because when I looked back at Haruhi I noticed that he had my schedule in his hand. How he didn't drop me is beyond my knowledge.

"This is your class." He said. I looked at the number thing next to the door.


Sure I'm the same age as haruhi but I'm super smart so I got into the upper level class.

Why do I feel like I'm gonna see someone important in here....meh.

I knocked on the door, still in the arms of haru, and the door opened. There stood the teacher, I think, as he looked at both haruhi then me.

"Sup. I'm the new student." I said. He nodded slowly and haruhi walked into the room. "Ya know, I could have just walked in like a normal person." I commented.

"Yes but you're not normal are you?" He shot right back.

"Touché." I said with narrowed eyes. He laughed at me and set me down. Looking around the room, I see that we caught all their attention.

"I'm gonna go now." Haru said, speed walking out of here. That little butt nugget!!!

I looked back at the class as they stared at me. That's nice, it's not like it's rude or anything.

"Hey, my name is Kia. I didn't want to come to school today but haruhi made me. I like turtles." I concluded, making a couple people laugh. The teacher asked if anyone had questions and a whole bunch of 'em flew up into the air. "Uh...you." I said, calling out a red head.

"What is your relationship with my haruhi?" She asked. I rose an eyebrow at the 'my haruhi' part but brushed it off.

"We're friend. He's my neighbor actually." I said. I then called on some dude with black hair.

"Why aren't you wearing the uniform?" He asked.

"Cause I didn't want to. It looked like crap." I said. He nodded his head and I called on another dude.

"Are you single?" He asked.

"As a Pringle!" I replied. He laughed and so did a couple of other people.

"Probably because you're so ugly." I heard a girl call out. She had brown hair and she looked really angry.

"Whoa, hold on there. On not a mirror." I said. More people laughed and 'oohhh' ed at the scene.

The teacher then told me to go sit down in the back, like the loner I am. I kissed three of my fingers and held them up like it was hunger games, hearing the whistle right after from someone in the room.

"Oh my gosh who did that I need to high five you." I said as I laughed. A red headed boy raised his hand and I high fives it. "I praise you." I said. He smiled at me and I grinned. I then finally made it to the back seat. I didn't even notice that I had caught a few eyes of the class room. Not literally but you know what I mean. It would have been weird if I caught someone's eyes....
I hope that was ok. Sorry if it's like the other oc from the naruto fanfic. I just like characters like this ya know? You know.

C ya~

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