8: Time With A Blondie!

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Ok guys, I'm changing this episode a lot because I want to. I can't just copy everything in the anime you know! Oh and it's gonna be a little longer than usual.

Kai's POV

When I walked into the host club, I didn't expect to get tackled by Tamaki to be honest. All the hosts but Kyoya and Mori bear hugged me and started whining about some middle schooler. I ripped all of them off me and spotted a kid standing there, staring at our scene from a freaking cage. I glared darkly at him. He's the reason I will have to hear whining from all the hosts today.

I marched up to him and he grew small under my view. "What are you doing here kid." I growled, the whole room shaking. He quivered in fear, backing away from me. Tamaki was behind me, talking about how he ruined his hosting. Haruhi was saying that the kid added 100,000 more yen to his debt. The twins were saying he was criticizing them. Honey had watery eyes as he said the kid was yelling at him.

"I just want to be a host....." the kid said, shaking in his spot. Oh. I shrunk back to my original size and looked at him with a bored expression.

"Why would you wanna be one of these weirdos?" I asked. He seemed shocked.

"You mean you're not in love with them? Like any other stupid girl in here?" He asked, the same look on his face.

"Of course not. They're normal people. Just like me and you. I honestly don't see what the girls see in them." I said with a shrug.

Tamaki suddenly started clinging onto me, sobbing about not being loved. I just ignored him and he went into his emo corner. I looked back at the kid to see him squinting at everyone. I think his face is stuck.

I suddenly heard Renge's voice, feeling the ground shake. She came out of the fucking FLOOR! How the hell?! Something is seriously wrong with this school! How many outrageous things do you need in one damn room.

"I thought this was a music room...." Haruhi mumbled beside me. I nodded.

I looked back at the kid again to see his utter horror and disbelief in what was happening. I feel you bro. I lifted the cage and just took him out of the way before she could get to him. No way in hell am I letting Renge get her hands on this not so innocent child.

Me and the kid watched as Renge scolded the host club after seeing the kid wasn't in the cage. She kept on yelling about responsibility and uselessness. She stomped back to her stage thing and disappeared into the floor.

"What is wrong with these people?!" The middle school dude hissed. I shrugged again.

"I don't know. A lot of things I guess. They're cool though.....sometimes." I said. He actually laughed at that.

"You are the first real person in this school that I've met so far. Besides that brown haired guy." He said.

"Makes sense. Haruhi isn't a rich snob so yea." I replied, now sitting on the couch. We looked back at the club members and they were huddled up in a circle talking about stuff. Everyone but Tamaki looked mad or upset. Unless you're mori, he did not seem to change. Suddenly, the kid was over there too and they were speaking about something.

They all seemed to nod to each other. Tamaki teleported in front of me with his weird host face on.

"My princess-" I punched him on the head. He pouted and rubbed his now red bump. "-I mean, kai. Would you do me the pleasure of walking with me around town?"

Hmm....anyone hear that? It sounds like....it sounds like a good opportunity for free food! And I'm takin it, even if something weird is gonna happen at some point of this 'hang out'. I can feel it.

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