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Ok this is gonna be crappy, I admit. I really haven't slept in a while because of hw and work in general so that's the reason. Try to enjoy I guess.

Kai's POV

"Tamaki-kun..." oh good kami. Why? Why am I in this room right now? I watched this brunette faun over Tamaki like there was no tomorrow. Which there probably won't because this generation is gonna wreck the world.
"Tamaki-kun, why are you so beautiful?" She asked.

I fell. I literally fell on the floor. Face planted, if you will. This girl is killing me.

"So that I can stay in your eyes every second that I can." The blonde said.

"Why is your voice so mellow?" Another stupid, useless, question.

"So that my feelings could-" ok. I'm done with that conversation. And why we're all the girls brunettes in his group? They just had different hair styles. I don't understand.

Then I could actually hear the damn sparkles coming off of all the hosts as they did some weird act. What is so great about them anyway? They are just people who look slightly more attractive than the average. The girls don't even seem to want to know about their personal things. Shallow, shallow people.

Then I saw Mori and honey hug with Haruhi looking at the scene with a 'really' kind of look on as lines appeared on his forehead. People were just commenting on the kimonos they had on and stuff. I walked around but then I bumped into Karu, something falling out of his sleeve. I looked at it and sweatdroped.

"Really?" I asked, holding the thing that makes them 'cry'.  "This is messed up." I said.

"Don't be strict now." Hikaru said, poking my cheek like a weirdo. I shooed his hand away and looked at Karu.

"Aye how do you work these things?" I asked. I've never used eye drops before. Do they hurt?

"Hm. You just drop a little bit in your eyes." He explained casually like he didn't know what I was gonna do. 'Cause he didn't.

I walked over behind something and dropped a few things of it in my eyes. Hehehehehe. I put some red stuff I found earlier on my elbow and made it seem like it was bleeding. I'll get 'em. I walked out from behind the thingy thing I was behind and tugged at Tamaki's sleeve with a hidden smirk.

"*sniffle* t-Tamaki..." ok that caught everyone's attention. I didn't even mean that to happen but now I have to put on an even better show. Tamaki turned around and I finally looked up at him with my fake but seemingly real tears eyes.

"So.....s-so ka-kawaii...." he whispered. Then he shook his head violently and his purple eyes filled with worry. "What is it princess?"

Let that stupid name roll off your back kai. Roll off. "I-I hurt myself...." I sniffled, showing him my elbow. The fake tears started to roll down my face and he hugged me tightly.

"Don't worry!!! Daddy is here and he is going to fix everything!" Tamaki cried out dramatically. I giggled. Holy fuck. I actually giggled. I can't take it anymore.

"Pft- HAHAHAHAHA!!" I laughed, going limp in his arms besides my flailing legs and just laughing into his shoulder at times. "Y-YOU, YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACES!!!" I wiped tears from my eyes and  looked at Tamaki when my feet were on the ground again.

He looked like he just got rolled over by a bolder. A single tear cam out of his right eye. "I thought....maybe you had fallen for me. I was wrong..." I heard him mumble.

(OHSHC various x reader): love is weirdWhere stories live. Discover now