2: oh ok...wait! A dance party?! That I'm being forced to go to?!

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Ok, so just to clarify, Haruhi is an actual dude now so he's taller and he has actual dude eyes. Not girl eyes. So he looks like an actual guy. Just sayin.

That's what kai looks like by the way. I didn't have silver so just so you know anything that's gray is silver and her eyes have silver specks. Enjoy I guess.

Kai's pov

As soon as I walked out of my class as the last person, I was grabbed by the hand. Just as I was about to kick a bitch, I saw it was just haruhi speed walking to some random direction.

"If you wouldn't mind me asking, why am I being dragging down the halls?" I asked as my body was relaxed and I was literally being dragged across the floor.

"Music room three." Was all I got from my buddy. (It actually says 'the third music room' in the sub but whatever).

The door opened and I was blasted with rose petals. I started swatting at them and I choked when one got into my mouth. No one was even looking at me while I was gasping for breathe.

"I get dragged to a random room and start choking and no one cares. I feel appreciated." I said once I coughed the petal out. Haruhi laughed nervously and scratched the nape of her neck. I then take in the fact that it was a freaking jungle in here, not even kidding. I then spotted several snakes and grinned.

The dude with blonde hair then appears in front of me, holding my hand like it's some kind of glass. He then kisses it and looks at me all weird.

"Hello princess." He said with a 'charming' smile. Please, I can do those in my sleep. Ok maybe not. "I see that you're new here. You're in my class, yes?"

I make a face at him and took my hand out of his grasp, wiping it on my shirt after that.  Sheesh you don't just go up to a stranger and kiss their hand. You don't know where those hands have been.

"Uh, yea I guess. I didn't see you but if you're in 2-A then yep, I'm in your class." I said with a shrug. I then realized that the guy that was just in front of me was now in a dark corner, growing mushrooms. Ok, what is wrong with people these days? What is wrong with this dude in particular?

Then two red heads magically got to each side of me, laughing like crazy people. "We thought that only Haruhi could do that!" They spouted while they kept on laughing, leaning on my shoulders.

I sweat dropped and slipped out of their grip, watching as they went in slow motion. They looked at me with surprised faces and fell to the ground, the one on the bottom letting out an 'ow' when the other red head landed on them. All in dramatic slow motion. I gotta learn how they do this stuff.

Next thing I know, I'm tackled to the ground by a yellow flash(what are you doing here minato?!? Haha. Kill me.). Looking up from my spot on the floor I see what looks like a middle schooler. And let me just say, I might die of suffocation if he holds on to me any tighter.

"You're a commoner to huh?! That's so cool! We've got two heroes now!" He shouted excitedly. I slowly nod and laugh nervously, not knowing what the heck was going on anymore.

Then this tall dude popped up out of no where and picked the blonde kid off of me, putting him on his shoulder. I stood up and just sorta stared at this guy. Why the hell was he so tall?! I mean seriously, I'm what? 5'2"?! I hate tall people.

I sighed and then saw a glasses dude with a death note. I'm definitely stealing that. Hehehe...

I disappeared then reappeared behind the guy and snuck it out of his hands. Then, I disappeared to an unseen corner.

"Huh?" Glasses guy hummed. He started looking around and I snickered evilly in the corner.

"What are you looking for Kyoya-senpai?" Haruhi asked. He looked at him and sighed.

"My note book." Then everyone started freaking out. Stuff about how he always has it. Haruhi was just sorta standing there.

I opened the book and saw a whole bunch of weird information. Things like people's information, information about his company, his thoughts. He has some crazy thoughts. They're like theories and cause and effects.

Suddenly, the dark corner got darker, causing me to look up. Standing before me was Mr.glasses but this time....shining glasses. *ghost noises*. Ok so his glasses weren't scary but the aura around him was scary.

"Ehehe...hello there." I said, waving my hand a little. Then I was suddenly out of the corner, behind the tall blonde dude from earlier, and without the note book. "Huh?"

"SHE DIDN'T MEAN IT MOMMY!!" The blonde shouted. Kyoya rolled his eyes and walked away saying stuff about how the club hours are starting. I just shrugged and started walking around when the hosts started hosting the girls who walked in.

Well if you ask me, a host club is a group of prostitutes. I guess that isn't the case here though. Mostly.

I walked around and eventually just leaned on a wall, looking at all of them. Oh, I just realized that they're in costume. Then this girl came up to Haruhi and talked about how...well I don't even know but it was something!

Time skip

I watched as they started talking when I picked up some important words.

"Whoa whoa wait a minute...what dance party?" I asked.

They all sweat dropped right after.

"We were talking about it this whole time and you just now realized?" The red heads asked. I laughed nervously and nodded. "Well-"

The blonde was suddenly out of his ramen state and in front of me. "My dear princess, you must come to the party!"

"Uh..how about no. Fancy parties aren't my thing." I said, waving it off.

They started talking to Haruhi about how he has to go and if he could even ball room dance. He tried to get out of it but they eventually forced him. The brown haired male that I know as my friends turned to me.

"You're going with me then. No way am I going alone with crazies." Haru said plainly. I fell to the floor and anime cried.

"NUUUU! You can't do this to me, man!" I said. He just laughed at me and pulled me up, throwing me over his should AGAIN! For the SECOND time today. "Aye! Why can't I just walk on my own?!" I yelled.

"Because you don't deserve it. And I want to carry you." He said cheerfully. I just looked back at the hosts and waved.

"Byyeee! Maybe next time I'll learn all of you're names!" I called. They all anime fell as I was carried away.

Meh it was ok. Next one will be better hopefully.

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