Ok! Chap 9: The plastic resort!...or something.

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Kai's POV

I sighed and looked around me. This place was so fake, I can't even describe it. And because the author is too lazy to do so. (Me: Aw shut up! And yes, yes I am.) See? I told you. Anyway, out of my head.

"-ful, look at those tropical birds." I heard Tamaki said as he pointed to a tree. I scratched my neck and sighed.

"Ok I'm gonna be honest with you Tamaki, I did not listen to a word you said. I was spacing out like usual." I said. He deflated and crept into his emo corner. Haruhi came up behind me and smiled. I deflated. How can he be so happy? We just got kidnapped!

-flash back-

Me and Haruhi were walking when I was suddenly grabbed under the arms by the twins. They grinned evilly before talking about their target or something. I saw Mori carrying Haru too.

-and we're back-

I deadpanned as I watched Haruhi and kyoya talk about....something. Why are they so boring? Who would want to talk about medicine and stuff. Not me. They can.

"Kai-chan!" I was then jumped on by a honey. "Do you want coconut juice? Or mango cake???"

I shrugged. "I'll just get my own water-"

"No I'll get it!" He chirped, skipping away. I swear dropped and looked around when I heard a bird. I saw mori walking in the same direction as it, when he stopped suddenly. He turned to me and I waved.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me to I turned slightly to see Hikaru eating a banana with a bored face and Karu standing there with the same bored face as him. Haruhi then appeared behind them, giving both of them the stink eye. Why is it even called 'the stink eye'. It just sounds stupid. Wait, I coulda shush said glare. Whatever. No fucks.

"Hey kai, wanna go check out the water slide?" Karu asked. I was about to answer until Hikaru piped in. "What's with the parka?"

I deadpanned. And sighed. Did they really think....?

-yet another flashback-

I was being dragged by Hikaru to the ladies change room as Karu dragged Haruhi the other direction. Probably the men's change room huh. I was brought up to these two identical ladies that were creeping me the fuck out. Hikaru let go of me and smirked at the lady.

"This ones yours." He said. What am I? A prostitute?! I don't think so!

"Understood!" One of the ladies said. The other one looked at me all innocent and I scooted away a little before both the ladies grabbed my arms.

"Well then, kai-sama, this way please!" The one on the right said darkly. Holy shit they are gonna kill me! I was pulled. Whine the door and they started taking off my clothes. Oh heck no!

"Hey wait! WAIT!" I shouted, flailing my arms around. And of course, they didn't listen to me.

"We have prepared some swim suits." One of them said. I couldn't tell anymore.

"We brought all of out mother's new designs over." A voice called from outside the door. I just sighed and watched as the ladies went in front of me telling me to choose. I just sat down and didn't listen. I'm so don't with all the crap today.

"Just...just pick one for me. I don't give a damn." I said. Yep. I'm giving in to the horrible thing called life. They both got evil glints in heir eyes and they ran somewhere into the big ass place. Why do we need something so big? Only one person should be in here at a time! I heard footsetps and I looked up to see the ladies again, only this time they had a bikini in their hands.

 Why do we need something so big? Only one person should be in here at a time! I heard footsetps and I looked up to see the ladies again, only this time they had a bikini in their hands

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I sighed again and snatched it out of their hands. I put on the stupid thing and walked towards my clothes, grabbed my jacket and black short shorts, and walked out. It seems something was waiting for me to get out cuz I hit someone with the door. And trust me, it was not a light door. I walked around it and found Tamaki spread out on the floor, looking pretty dead.

"Uh, what are you doing near the girl's change room?" I asked. Tamaki shot up and ran away. Whatever.

-and end-

"So, are you gonna swim?" Hikaru asked, throwing the banana peel somewhere where it would be long forgotten. Poor banana peel.

"Or is that jacket gonna weigh you down?" Karu finished. I shrugged.

"I could always just take the jacket off I guess." I said, starting to tug on the zipper until a hand stopped me. I looked up boredly only to see Haruhi standing there. Oh I totally forgot about him being there. I wonder what he wants.

"You shouldn't show your skin to everyone, you know." He said. I deadpanned and poked his stomach. He was wearing his swim trunks, which means he was showing skin. 

"Then why are you showing your skin."I asked. He froze and stood there with a thinking face on. "Yep. Thats what I thought."

I unzipped my jacket and walked over to one of the chairs to put it there. I also took off my shorts, so I was standing there in all of my weird clothes glory. I bet I was shining because the sun was hitting me directly. Haha, I must look really stupid.

I then felt something jump on my back for the second time today. It was honey. Again. "I brought your water!" He chirped. I smiled at him. I thought he would forget about it or something. He held it out in front of my face, and I took it. After I drank some of the water I set the glass back down on the table.

"You wanna go into the water with me?" I asked him. He tapped his chin and nodded after a while, telling me he couldn't swim to which I just shrugged at. I ran to the water's edge before jumping in. "CANNON BALL!!" I shouted as I started falling into the water. Honey copied me.

Mori came in the water soon after us and started playing with honey. I just floated, chilling in the calmness of the water. Someone grabbed my hand suddenly causing me to snap my eyes open. Oh, it was just Hikaru. I closed my eyes again, letting the twin float with me. I felt like something wrong was going to happen though. And it was gonna happen soon-

I heard weird beeping noises, and I opened my eyes. Hikaru did too and both our eyes widened as a wave came crashing over us. "Ah shit." I mumbled. It washed over us and I literally clung onto Hikaru as we were pushed around by he water.

I blinked, realizing I was out of the water again. I let go of Hikaru who seemed unconscious. Well, this was going to be one hell of an adventure.

Okie. That is part one everybody.

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