Chapter Three

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A/N: Here we are with the third chapter. It's a short one, but it's building up to bigger things.

"I appreciate you coming in at such short notice, Agent Jauregui" Officer Mendes said, offering out the seat sat at the opposite end of his desk.

"In truth, I didn't exactly have any previous engagements," the dark-haired woman reminded him, her light smile an attempt to mask the regret edging into her voice, "I'm still suspended from all field work whilst the inquiry is pending,"

"Yes, of course... I'm sorry,"

She shrugged, easily brushing off his slightly tactless remark. There was a moment of quiet, and she waited patiently for him to continue.

"I've actually called you here because I have a job proposition for you,"

"A job proposition?" she clarified incredulously, "I don't have the required clearance..."

"That doesn't affect this," he assured her, "This is security work,"

Her mouth opened as she began to protest, but he held out a hand to cut her off.

"Before you say anything, I know full well that this isn't really your area, but I genuinely believe that this could be very good for you,"

The doubtful expression did not leave her face and so he produced a file and set it down on the desk before him.

"It's a relatively straightforward assignment, but it will get you away from your desk work. And, when the time comes for you to apply to return to field operations, having a job like this under your belt will really do you some favours in front of the committee,"

"Can I see the file?" Jauregui asked a little tentatively.

Officer Mendes flicked the file cover open and pushed it towards her. She scanned through the information, briefly flicking through the important details.

"So, you need a close protection officer?"

He nodded affirmatively.

"We both know that there's an entire department full of people trained specifically for this type of job just waiting for your summons. Why are you asking me?"

There was a pause as he pushed a hand through his short hair and sighed.

"Do you want the honest answer?"


"I don't agree with your suspension order," he started, "What happened in your last field operation... it wasn't your fault,"

"So this is pity?"

"No!" he said hurriedly, "Not at all. What I'm trying to say, and I'm aware that I'm saying it badly, is that recently you haven't been treated fairly. If the decision had been up to me, there would have been no way that I would suspended you. I want to... I want to help you,"


Mendes looked up and frowned.

"Alright what?"

"Alright, I'll take the job,"

"You will?"

"Yes," she confirmed, closing the file firmly, "Thank you, Shawn,"

The young man shook his head, gaze dropping to his lap.

"We don't get agents like you much," he spoke quietly, "Brave, utterly loyal and devoted to the bone. It's about time this place started treating you with the respect that you've earned... and I'm not just saying that as your friend. I really mean it,"

"I know you do," Agent Jauregui said softly, "And I really appreciate it,"

"I'm heading over to the subject's apartment at 1400 hours. Meet me here with a packed kitbag at 1300," Officer Mendes instructed her, standing and opening the door to allow her out.

"Do I bring a firearm?"

"That would be advisable,"

She nodded, displaying her understanding, before shaking his hand with a final words of thanks and leaving.

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