Chapter Nine

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A/N: I have some reservations about this chapter, so I'd really appreciate hearing your thoughts on it.

When Camila woke up, the first thing that she realised was that she did not recognise the ceiling above her, nor the bed that she was lying on. She did not remember how she got there either.

Heaving herself up onto one elbow, she felt a sharp pain cross through behind her eyes, and the muscles in her chest screamed in protest.

"Lie back down,"

The familiar voice brought everything flooding back.


She must be in Lauren's bedroom.

Automatically, she did as she was told, and the ache in her head and torso subsided a little. Soft footsteps approached the bed, and before she had time to register what was happening, the agent was leant over her, cupping her face gently. Camila felt a rush within her as Lauren's fingertips lightly skimmed her cheek.

"Open your eyes wide for me,"

Camila did so, and Lauren studied them briefly before nodding in satisfaction.

"There isn't going to be any permanent damage," she informed her, "You just need rest,"

"What happened?"

"You passed out,"

"I know that," Camila retorted, rolling her eyes, "I meant to you. What the hell was that?"

The mattress dipped as Lauren sat down beside her, and Camila turned onto her side to gaze up at her.

"When you came in... I had no idea that it was you, Camila. I thought it was an intruder,"

"At first," the journalist reminded her, "But when you did know it was me... you didn't let go, Lauren. I couldn't breathe,"

The agent shook her head, moving away so that her back was towards Camila. She did not speak.

"Lauren... is this something to do with what Officer Kordei said to you?"

"How do you know about that?" the agent shot back quickly, her defensive front rising up at once.

"I don't know anything about it. I just heard you both shouting and presumed it was connected to what Officer Mendes said..."

Lauren stiffened and stood up, walking to the bedroom window to stare out at the dark street below.

"And what exactly  did Officer Mendes say?" she asked icily, eyes restlessly roaming the pavements.

It was Camila's turn to look uncomfortable, and she cursed herself for letting slip the piece of information about Lauren's colleague.

"He said..." she paused, searching for the right way to phrase her reply, "... that you were going through a rough time,"

"Well, he shouldn't have said anything," Lauren muttered, shaking her head.

"In his defence, he only said it out of love for you. I don't know either of you very well, but it's clear to see that he cares about you and your wellbeing. You're lucky to have somebody who values you like that,"

"They're still my private affairs,"

Lauren's stubbornness was beginning to grind away at Camila's patient reasoning.

"Fine," the journalist snapped, ignoring the pain in her head as she wrenched herself into a sitting position, "Have it your way. I'm going back to my apartment,"

The agent did not make a move to try and stop her this time, and for some reason, this incensed Camila further. Lauren was so ridiculously cold and unforgiving in her temperament, yet every so often, there were little glimpses of tenderness behind the frosty exterior.

The fact that Camila had woken up in Lauren's bedroom, and not the floor of her living room indicated that Lauren had made the decision to carry her to somewhere more comfortable. Why would she do that unless she cared at least a little?

"You know, I almost felt sorry for you," Camila half whispered as she reached the bedroom door, "For a moment, I thought you were going to open up to me, and start being honest. I want to help you, you know... I know there's something wrong. But you're so bloody distant that I give up,"

"It's not my job to be your friend or confidant,"

"Maybe not. But when your problems are reaching deep enough to lead you to almost suffocate me, it certainly becomes my business to know what's going on,"

"What were you doing sneaking into my apartment in the dead of night exactly? Does your need to know everybody's business regularly drive you to breaking and entering, Miss Cabello?"

The return of the formal use of her surname felt like a blow to Camila's stomach.

"I came to see if you were okay, actually! I was worried after earlier," Camila retaliated, "But I can see now that you're getting along just fine,"

"I was just fine. It's people like you that turn me into this,"

And there it was. The façade that Camila had been working to break away at was fracturing, but what was showing through from underneath was not sweet and warm as Camila had hoped it would be. It was bitter and resentful.

"Goodnight, Agent Jauregui,"

When Camila left, Lauren felt something resembling a sob bubbling up in her throat, but she swallowed it down. The knowledge that what Officer Kordei had warned her about could be true made her feel sick. Maybe she really was too lost to keep working.

"I should resign," she murmured, pulling her phone out from the bedside table and switching it on for the first time that day, "I can't do this any longer,"

The phone screen flickered into life, displaying a notification telling her that she had four unread messages and six missed calls... and they were all from Camila, dating from earlier that day.

[Camila Cabello] – 10:38 - Is everything OK?

[Camila Cabello] – 11:42 - Let me know that you're alright, I'm worried about you.

[Camila Cabello] – 13:24 - Just text me so that I know that I know that everything is fine.

[Camila Cabello] – 15:02 - Sorry for all the messages. You're probably busy. I just care.

The sob that had been threatening to escape suddenly left her lips, echoing against the walls. Camila's words from minutes ago came surging back to her.

"You're lucky to have somebody who values you like that."

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