Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: I cannot apologise enough for this being such a late update, I will try very hard not to allow such a gap to happen again. I hope you are having a wonderful 2017 so far.

The sound of the shower being shut off was their prompt to gather themselves. Camila pulled a brush repeatedly through her tangled locks in a desperate bid to try and tame them, but Lauren made no such attempt to try and subdue her trademark wild curls.

They emerged from the bedroom to see Dinah already sat cross-legged on the sofa with a bowl of cereal and a towel wrapped around her head.

"How was the shower?" Lauren asked brightly, quickly starting conversation in a bid to distract the Polynesian from making her inevitable lewd remarks.

"Good," Dinah nodded through a mouthful of food, "Your hot water is a little temperamental though,"

"It's a bit of a nuisance," Lauren agreed.

"Well, regardless of what you say, I'm dying for a shower as well," Camila chuckled, "Do you mind?"

"Not at all," Lauren smiled, "Be my guest,"

Camila left, the door closing with a click behind her, and the splashing noise of water on tiles following soon after.

Deciding that she did not have much of an appetite, Lauren headed to the kitchen and made herself a mug of coffee. The familiar scent immediately focused her mind instantly, and she splashed some cold water from the sink onto her face to try and calm the fire burning in her cheeks and veins.

Her attempts to hide her slight state of disarray were in vain, though. As soon as she re-entered the living room, Dinah's eyes caught onto her swollen lips and flushed skin.

"Got a bit heated in there, did it?" she asked cheekily, jabbing her thumb at the bedroom door, "No wonder Mila wanted a shower,"

In her usual fashion, Lauren ignored the glint of mischief in Dinah's eye and shrugged nonchalantly.

"It's really none of your business,"

"True," Dinah nodded, "Well played, Jauregui,"

There was a length of quiet, with Lauren sipping slowly and deliberately at her drink. Coils of steam rose from the hot liquid to twirl in front of her face.

"Are you and Mila all good then?" Dinah asked eventually, dropping her spoon down into the empty bowl with a clatter.

Lauren nodded, "It's all sorted. We talked last night over so we're both on the same page,"

"Glad to hear it," Dinah smiled genuinely, "Although knowing Mila, she'll probably still be in the shower right now kicking herself about it all,"

"I hope not," Lauren mused into her coffee, "She doesn't need to. Neither of us were at our best yesterday evening,"

"Yeah," Dinah said, "You know, you're lucky you're so hot and make a good knight in shining armour. I don't think I would have allowed anyone else back near Mila if they had walked out on her on a first date,"

Her tone was light and teasing, but the message was clear.

"It won't happen again," the agent responded sincerely, "I got some... news... and my mind just went..."

"You don't have to give me the explanation," Dinah interjected, "If Camila understands it all and is happy then I'm happy too. You seem real to me,"

"Thank you,"

"That being said," the Polynesian added, turning to face Lauren properly, "If there is something that you want to talk about... something that maybe you don't want to discuss with Mila yet, then I'm here. I know we've only just met, but I thought I'd offer,"

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