Chapter Seven

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A/N: I'm currently trying to balance homework and this piece, so please bear with me regarding updates. I hope that you're enjoying it so far, feel free to let me know what you think.

Over the following days, Camila barely saw Lauren at all. She spent the majority of her time working on her next article, determined not to let her attackers get their wish to keep her quiet. It was difficult to remain totally focused though; Officer Mendes' revelation about Lauren's recent past played on her mind almost constantly.

She could feel a sense of protectiveness over the agent blossoming in her chest, which was ironic considering Lauren's current occupation. It was clear from what the officer had said that Lauren, although she would never admit it, needed some form of support mechanism, and Camila wanted to provide that. She had grown increasingly fond of the strong and silent individual since they had first met a few days ago, although she was quite convinced that the feeling was unlikely to be mutual.

On the morning of the day that marked a week of Lauren's employment, Camila was woken by a sharp rap of knuckles against her front door. Groaning, she pulled on her dressing gown and opened it to find a tall, dark-skinned woman in full police uniform waiting outside.

"Er... hello?"

"Miss Cabello? Officer Kordei," the woman said, flashing the pyjama-clad girl a brilliant white smile.

"Right," Camila mumbled, fiddling with the sash on her robe as she became ever more self-conscious over her state of undress.

"I need to see Agent Jauregui,"

The mention of Lauren's name worked to focus Camila's sleepy mind instantaneously.

"Wh... why?"

"It's confidential. Where can I find her?"

"She's across the hall... but..."

There was no chance to get any further answers about the reason for the visit before Officer Kordei turned on her heel to knock on Lauren's door. The agent opened up swiftly, not stopping to even acknowledge Camila's presence as she let her colleague inside.

"Why are you here?" Lauren asked hotly when they were alone.

Officer Kordei cast her eye around the small and tidy apartment, deliberately biding her time to leave the other woman waiting for her response.

"It's concerning the inquiry," she revealed at last, "There have been... developments,"

"And why are you the one notifying me? We both know full well that you were instrumental in bringing about my suspension order,"

"Come now, Agent Jauregui," Officer Kordei tutted, "You almost sound bitter. I can assure you that the only person responsible for your suspension order is you,"

Lauren's hands curled into fists as she fought the desperate urge to strike the taunting smirk from the officer's face.

"What's happening with the inquiry?" she hissed through gritted teeth.

"It's been more or less confirmed that the decisions you made as the commanding agent of the operation resulted in the loss of innocent life,"

"I... I did what I thought was necessary,"

"Without consulting anybody else first," Officer Kordei reminded her lightly, "But then you always were a bit of a loose cannon, weren't you, Jauregui?"

"I didn't exactly have the time to call everything to halt, did I? I had to make a split second choice,"

"Then perhaps this inquiry will mean that you'll be replaced with somebody who is capable of making the right split second choice,"

"You're here to mock me," Lauren concluded angrily, "And I want you to leave,"

"Shouldn't you be leaving too? I've seen your psychiatrist's report. It's all well and good to have your friend Mendes looking out for you, but are you really able to keep people safe anymore?"

"Get out," Lauren growled, "Let me do my job,"

Shrugging, Officer Kordei allowed herself to be backed towards the exit and the door slammed shut behind her.

Camila had heard the raised voices from across the hall, but the loud bang told her that the coast was now clear. Padding softly from her own apartment, she tapped against the agent's door.

"Lauren?" she whispered cautiously, "Is everything okay?"

When the door was pulled away, the woman stood before Camila looked frighteningly different from how she had done just the other day. The change was not in her stance, nor the stern clench of her jaw, but in the sorrow shimmering in her green eyes. They were the eyes of a broken person.


"Please go,"


"Please, Camila. Unless you require some sort of assistance, I'm asking you to leave me alone,"

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