Chapter Eight

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A/N: Just as a heads up, this chapter contains some depictions of violence.

The incessant ticking of the clock on the mantelpiece was beginning to drive Camila insane. It was late, and every shuddery movement of the second hand served as a painful reminder of why she was still awake.

Her mind was only on Lauren, and the terrible pain that had been etched onto her face that morning. Worry sent spiky shivers down her back and left a sour taste in her mouth. The idea that the agent might be sat next door grieving upset Camila greatly, and she paced back and forth across her living area, unable to stop turning the thought over and over in her mind.

She had to go and see that she was alright.

The spare key to Lauren's apartment was sat idly on the kitchen side, and Camila grasped it in her hand on the way out into the corridor. It took some fumbling, but eventually the lock on Lauren's door opened with a dull click, and she slipped into the darkness of room.

The first thought that occurred to her was that she had not yet set foot into Lauren's apartment. It smelt sweet, rather like vanilla, for the loss of her sight to the night-time black heightened her other senses.

Before she had the opportunity to feel about for a light switch though, or even venture further into the apartment, a lamp on the desk at the other end of the room burst into life. Shielding her eyes from the unexpected brightness, Camila suddenly felt two powerful arms grab her, pinning her against the wall.

A strong hand closed easily around her throat, pushing her head backwards and restricting her airways. Gasping for breath, Camila squirmed to break away, eyes squeezed shut in terror, but the grip was too forceful.

Her lungs began to burn as she flailed helplessly, kicking out weakly against the unknown assailant. Finally, one of her desperate strikes seemed to hit the attacker in the shin, because there was a grunt of anger, and the clutch on her neck and torso tightened. She was now totally immobilised.

"Stop!" she managed to croak through the stranglehold, but her plea went unnoticed.

The next thing that she heard was a metallic snap.

It was an unmistakable sound, more than enough to send Camila's eyes flying open. Her heart dropped when she saw a flash below her. A small beam of light from the corner lamp was glinting menacingly from the end of a pistol, which was now digging painfully into her side. She whimpered as the cold muzzle grazed her skin.


Searching desperately for the face of her aggressor in the low light, the feelings of dread that had been wracking her body immediately paled in comparison with the realisation that the eyes staring predatorily into her own were emerald green.

"Shit! Lauren!" she squealed, resuming her frantic struggles.

The woman before her seemed absolutely out of control. A rapid pulse could be felt pounding through the fingers that were closed around Camila's throat, but there was no sign of them letting go any time soon.


Purple dots were beginning to flicker along the edges of Camila's vision, threatening to close in fully. Her chest felt fit to burst; an inescapable pressure starting to build up behind her ribs, while her head began to feel lighter with every passing second. Any ability that she had had to continue fighting back was being drained.


As she battled to remain conscious, Camila was aware that Lauren was steadily starting to look more panicked. Her eyes were widening, and the colour drained rapidly from her cheeks... yet she could not pull away. It was as if she had been seized by an old reflex or muscle memory, and her body was now working against the wills of her mind. If it was not so petrifying, it would have been utterly heart-breaking to witness.

"Lauren... it's okay..." she tried to utter, wanting to reassure the agent that she understood her turmoil.

The gun pressed into her abdomen was trembling, clearly displaying Lauren's internal struggle.

"... it's okay..."

As her legs gave way and the ground rose up to meet her, the last thing that Camila felt was the same arms that had held her in a death grip moments ago swiftly catching her before she hit the floor.

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