Chapter Four

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A/N: It's chapter four and they are finally about to meet. Thank you for making it this far, it means a lot! And, as always, please enjoy.

There were two firm knocks on Camila's door, and she looked up from her book sharply.

"It's Officer Mendes, ma'am,"

A sigh of relief escaped her as she heard the familiar voice. The events of the previous night had put her on edge. Sliding open the door chain, she stood back to allow the young man inside. He tipped his hat respectfully.

"Hello again, Miss Cabello. How are you this morning?"

"I've been better," she admitted, thinking of her restless night, "But I'm coping,"

"I'm glad to hear it," Mendes responded, offering her a smile, "I've actually come accompanied with your close protection officer today,"

"You're certain that it's still necessary?" Camila inquired nervously, "I wasn't disturbed again last night..."

"The note attached to the brick suggested that it was no random act of aggression and it's better to be safe than sorry. Agent Jauregui is incredibly capable and will ensure that whoever is behind this keeps their distance. There's no harm in being prepared, Miss Cabello,"

"Agent Jauregui?" Camila repeated to herself, allowing the name to twist over her tongue.


Camila turned around so quickly that she almost overbalanced. A woman that she had never seen before was stood in her doorway, kitbag slung over her shoulder and long hair pulled back into a loose bun that left a few strands to fall down and frame her face. She was dressed smartly in slim grey slacks, blazer, and a crisp and white long-sleeved shirt.

"Here she is now," Officer Mendes announced cheerfully, oblivious to Camila's predicament.

"Miss Cabello, I presume?"

The journalist felt her cheeks burning scarlet when the woman opposite addressed her. There was a husky tone to her voice, and it sent a shiver straight down the length of her spine.

"Yes... yes, that's me," she stammered, cringing when she heard her own voice crack.

"Pleased to meet you," Agent Jauregui nodded, but there was little conviction in her words. She looked rather bored with all of the proceedings.

"Agent Jauregui is going to be stationed in the apartment across the hall from you," Officer Mendes explained, "It's all arranged with the landlord. She will be responsible for escorting you to wherever you need to go, and will conduct security checks about your home and so on. It's very straightforward,"

"For how long?" Camila asked.

"Until we're convinced that any potential threat is gone," Officer Mendes replied, "Agent Jauregui is also trained in using firearms, and is armed just in case,"

"Armed?" Camila felt herself spluttering.

On cue, Agent Jauregui pulled back her blazer, revealing a pistol loaded holster strapped to the side of her chest. She looked unnervingly comfortable with the sleek black weapon pressed so closely against her body.

"We're not in the habit of leaving anything to chance," Officer Mendes justified, "But I'm sure that it won't come to anything like that,"

There was a long silence as Camila tried hopelessly to make sense of what was happening.

"I'll put my things into my apartment," Agent Jauregui muttered, leaving the quiet room.

When she was gone, Camila turned to Officer Mendes.

"I don't think she likes me," she mumbled despondently.

"Nonsense," he laughed good-naturedly, "She can be a little slow to warm to people, I'll give you that, but it's part of the job. Give her a chance... besides, you've only just met!"

Agent Jauregui re-entered Camila's apartment and narrowed her eyes as she watched them both. Her blazer was gone, and so, thankfully, was the gun and holster. She looked a little more informal now, with her shirt cuffs unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up to the elbow, but no less intimidating.

"Everything alright?"

"Perfectly so," Mendes chuckled, "I'm heading back to the station now, so I'll leave you to it. Give me a ring if you need anything, but I'm sure you've got it all covered,"

Bidding Camila farewell, he walked to the door, pausing briefly beside Agent Jauregui. Lowering his voice, he leant into her ear and whispered quietly.

"Lighten up, will you? I know the circumstances aren't ideal, but you're scaring the poor girl to death,"

She shrugged, but a tiny smirk played across her lips.

"I'll see what I can do, Officer," she said teasingly.

Shaking his head, he left, closing the door behind him. Camila stared at it pleadingly, wishing that he would come back. Being alone in the apartment with Agent Jauregui terrified her, and she had no idea of what to say or how to act.

"Can I get you a drink?" she asked politely, forcing a bright grin onto her features.

"Sure," the other woman replied nonchalantly, "Water, please,"

"Not a coffee? I've got tea..."

"Water is just fine, thanks,"

It was painfully awkward, and Camila was shaking so violently from nerves that she almost dropped the glass on the floor. She placed it down on the kitchen island and Lauren took a seat on one of the stools there.

"So, do you do a lot of work like this?" Camila questioned her cautiously.

"It varies," came the brief response.

"And do you enjoy it? It must be rewarding,"

"It keeps a roof over my head,"

The agent appeared insistent on keeping conversation to an absolute minimum and Camila was stumped. In her profession, she was used to taking the lead. Journalism required a certain grit, and she was not afraid to speak her mind... Until now. Here she was sitting timidly, clutching her coffee mug in her hands without speaking a single word.

"You know, I think I'm going to go and take a shower," Jauregui said, setting her glass down after draining it.

"Oh... right,"

"Thanks for the drink,"

"It was no problem,"

Camila sat and watched her push back her stool and stroll across the room until a thought occurred to her.

"What are you doing about dinner tonight, Agent Jauregui?"

With one hand on the door handle, the other woman glanced across at the person in her charge. Could she see something in those brown orbs that were fixed on her? Hopefulness perhaps?

"I'll probably just order something in," she told her blandly, "It makes life easy,"

The little glimmer that Agent Jauregui had been working hard to decipher vanished from the chocolate eyes.

"Sure," Camila nodded, looking a little dispirited, "I think I'll do the same,"

"I'll see you later then,"

When she was alone again, Camila sank down into her own seat and buried her face into her folded arms. In truth, she had not really given the idea of having a bodyguard much thought, but if she had, this would have turned out a lot worse than she could have imagined.

Agent Jauregui appeared cold and detached, and Camila knew that she probably thought that she was tiresome and irritating. For some reason, the thought that this relatively unknown woman could be thinking ill of her upset her far more than she knew it should. Why did the opinion of a stranger affect her so greatly?

"Get a grip, Cabello," she groaned.

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