Chapter 7

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I ended up waking up somehow before (Y/N). Getting up I noticed our phones were hanging out together, mine on hers.
"Aww our phones are having sex~." I whispered, picking my phone up. I also grabbed hers, and put them on charge. When I plugged hers in, I saw her text notification. It was from an 'Unknown Number'.
Picking it up, i pit in her password and looked at the text.

"Hey there darling. Sorry it's been a while. I still am deeply in love with you and I hope you'll forgive me and leave that idiot.
He has many other better choices, and I am the one and only for you. If you don't meet me at the airport at 6:30, I will find you and make you forgive me.
Then you and me go back home and live our lives together like we used to.
Remember that one time we got drunk together? You may say I forced you to drink, buut, you still complied.
Hope to see you at the airport~.
P.S. If you show this text to your 'friends', I will never let you escape again. Besides, I have help this time, remember Caleb? He'll be there."

I just stared at the long text for a while, before sending it to myself then destroying the text. Including the text to myself, so she doesn't see it.
I took my phone and sent the message to Arin, adding the caption,

"Look at who decided to attempt to take our angel back. Don't tell her though, I want her to stay safe and happy."

I looked back at her and smiled, walking over quietly and softly kissing her cheek.
Turning back around, I walked to the kitchen to make us a snack.

Short, I know. But this was just helping me get back into writing again. Enjoy~

Question of the Chapter: What do you think Arin's response to the text will be?


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