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You woke up finding your husband next to you. Smiling you got up and took a shower.
When you got out, he was still asleep. That is when you sneezed a tiny sneeze.
"I better not be sick..." You whispered and went downstairs. Barry was making breakfast when you went into the kitchen. "How was your honeymoon? I heard you guys come home last night." Barry asked.
"It was fun. But now it's time for us to find a bigger house." You said, coughing a little.
"You feeling okay? I know you've been pushing yourself lately." Barry asked. You nodded, "Yeah, don't worry."
Dan walked downstairs and made himself some tea. "Morning you two..." He said as he sat beside you. "Morning, Danny." You said getting on your laptop looking at houses in LA.
Dan eyed you till he got up and went somewhere.
You coughed a little more and Dan returned with a thermometer.
Taking your temperature, he left again. Barry caught on and took you laptop going the same way Dan went.
Dan returned and picked you up, "Danny? What are you doing, Hun?" You asked him. "Well, baby, I'm taking you back to bed. You have a high temperature." He said, smiling at you.
You pouted and he chuckled. "You are really something." He said.
Dan walked into our room and placed you in the bed. Barry walked in with your laptop and laptop charger.
"As long as you will get some rest, you can have this." Dan said as Barry plugged everything up.
Handing you your laptop, Barry patted your head.
They both left and you smiled. Opening your laptop, you looked at the houses.
You found one that looked perfect. Two floors, one main and a basement. Plenty of rooms and space. A big kitchen, everything was perfect.
You took a picture of it and sent it to Dan and Barry.

"How's this?"

You added at the bottom. Closing your laptop, you curled up and fell asleep. You woke up to knocking at the door. "What up?" You asked as Barry walked in. "Dan likes it. And if we put all our money together, we can get it plus some extra stuff. Like all of the stuff Dan brought over from your house in New Jersey." He said as he gave you some tea and a snack.
"Yay!" You said, your voice still sounding sickly. He laughed and playfully pushed your head. "Whatever loser. I call a room in the basement." Barry said walking away. "Okay! Bye!" You said dramatically.
He dramatically closed the door and you laughed.
After drinking your tea and eating the snack Barry made for you, you got a text from him.

"I'm off to the grump space. If you need anything, you can call Suzy or Holly. Don't blow our house down. :)"

You smiled and fell asleep again. When you woke up, it was now 4pm. You got up and walked over to the mirror in the room, lifting your shirt up and looked at your back.

"Never Forget"

You shuddered and went downstairs, grabbing a bottle of water and walking back upstairs with the camera.

You made another video explaining your absence. After editing it, you coughed and sneezed. "Ugh..." You fell back onto the bed. "I guess I'll watch the new episode of Game Grumps." You said opening your laptop.

When I got home, it was quiet. "That's right... Barry is staying late tonight." I said as I walked upstairs.
Walking into the bedroom, I see my wife fast asleep with the laptop open in front of her. I took the laptop and placed it on the floor beside her.
Smiling, I left the room and called up Barry. We have a house to buy.

When you woke up, it was morning and you noticed fluffy hair in your face. Chuckling, you got up. You felt a million times better than yesterday.
Getting up, Dan began to move. "Morning beautiful." He said. "Morning handsome." You responded. He smiled and got up as well. "We need to get Barry up and start packing..." Dan said, walking out of the room.
"Start packing..?" You saw your laptop on the floor beside you and opened it, showing the house you wanted.

And it said sold.

Hope you liked the little extra bit I added. ^w^


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