Chapter 21

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You woke up to your phone. Looking over, you saw your alarm going off. Signing you sat up and looked beside you. "I really miss you..." You whispered.
Getting up, you took your shower, styled your hair, and got dressed.
You sat back down on the bed and opened your laptop. Checking your channel, you had over 1,000 subs already from Arin and Suzy's shout out.
"HOLY SHIT!" You said as you looked at the number. You got up and paced for a few moments.
After calming down, you went downstairs. Barry was already gone so you just made yourself some waffles. After eating, you hopped into your new car and drove off to the grump space.

When you arrived, you were greeted by Suzy. "Hey!" She said when you got there. "Hi! How's it going?" You asked her. "Good. I like your channel art and picture. Who made it?" She asked you as you followed her to her computer area. "Myself." You answered.
"YOU, (Y/N) (L/N), made those pictures!?" Ross said as he turned around in his chair. You nodded and Arin high-fived you. "Nice!" He said.
You smiled and went to your computer area, putting your headphones on. You and Ross were doing an episode of Steam Train with Arin.

"Hey guys! Welcome to Steam Train or whatever..." Arin said.
"Oi! If your gonna introduce them to the episode do it properly!" Ross began an argument with Arin.
You began to talk over them, "Today Arin, Ross, and I are playing the Sims 4!"

After recording the episode, you got up and stretched. "We gonna make this a series or what?" Arin asked Ross. "I don't care." Ross said, playing around on his computer.
You laughed at them and walked off somewhere.
You found Barry and attempted to look over his shoulder. "Hey there shorty." He said to you. "Love you too Barry...." You said to him as you finally looked over his shoulder.
He was making an Instagram post.
"You taking over the grump Instagram today?" You asked him. "Yep. Look at this picture." He showed you his third post for today, it was you sleeping.
"You little...." You began. He smiled and patted your head.
Before you could chase him, Dan had texted you. Quickly looking at the message, you smiled.

"Hey there, good morning... Wait... Timezone change..... Fuck. As I wanted to say, Hi. Jesus. How are you baby? I saw that Steam Train episode.... You did see what they did to our Sims while you were gone right?"

"Nooo..? What did they do?"

"They changed our relationship from boyfriend and girlfriend, to husband and wife."

"Holy shit...."

"I know right? Anyway, I have to go, we have more driving to do! Bye baby!"

"Bye Danny!"

When you finished texting him, you face went red and you turned towards Arin and Ross. "You two are so dead..." You said to them.
"But, hey! At least we told the truth!" Ross said and Arin laughed.
"We aren't married!" You said to him.
"You act it." Ross responded. You blushed a deeper red and pushed through them. "Next time I record with you two, I'm going to do something to YOUR Sims while you are away!" You yelled at them.
They just looked at each other and laughed.

When we arrived at the place, it was almost time for the show. We raced to the backstage and quickly got dressed.

After the show, Brian and I signed some albums. One woman walked up and attempted to seduce me. But Brian held up his knife and shook his head no.
We then saw Cassandra in the crowd. She and (S/B/N) were waiting in line, talking to each other. When it was their turn, they quickly ran up to Brian and I.
"Dan! That was an amazing show!" (S/B/N) said. Cassandra nodded. While (S/B/N) was occupied with Brian, Cassandra leaned towards me and whispered, "So, have you done.. that yet?"
I shook my head, "No... I haven't had time to go look for some either..." I responded. She gave me an email address and whispered, "This is to my jewelry company. We can make you some custom." Winking she took her signed copy of our album. "Come on, honey! They have other people to see!"
They soon left and I looked at the company name.

"Miles Jewelry Company
Message me when you have a certain design.

"Design?" Brian asked when we were done. I whispered into Brian's ear what that meant and surprise took his face.
"Your serious!? Oh my god... This is a first..." He said looking at me.
"Don't tell anyone. So far, only you, Arin, Cassandra, and I are in on this." I told him.
He smiled, "You've finally became a man."
"I became a man when I was 23...." I said to Brian. "Yo, I didn't need to know that..." Brian said, pushing me back.
I laughed and we continued walking to our car.

I wonder.... Is Cassandra secretly a shipper?

Question of the Chapter: What do you think Danny is planning?


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