Chapter 8

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When you woke up, you saw Dan walk in with some sandwiches. "Good morning.... Wait," he checked his phone, "Afternoon, princess." He said smirking. "We slept that long..?" You asked, looking for your phone. "Right here, you sure your awake?" Dan laughed as he handed you your phone.
"Maybe..? Maybe not..? I don't know. I'm hungry." You responded, checking the time. It was 6:00pm, and you had a text from Suzy.

"Heya girlie!
I was just wondering if you would like to star on Table Flip with Barry and I tomorrow. Arin will be starring with you, so don't worry ;).
Also, I was wondering if you'd like to also do a grumpcade episode with Holly and I.
Love ya ;)

Smiling at the text, you responded.

"Sure! Sounds fun. What time and other stuff I may need to know. Thanks for asking btw, I would be bored if you hadn't asked :P.
Cya then I guess :D"

Dan was looking over your shoulder and snickered. "Nice response. You could have told Barry downstairs." He said, ruffling your hair.
"So? What if I was too lazy to walk down the stairs?" You looked up, and smirked. He got a playfully offended look and gasped. "No! You, lazy? Never!" After laughing he kissed you and told you if you wanted to eat, he made something downstairs.
"Aww~ can't you just bring it to me?" You asked, giving him puppy dog eyes.
"No. Now stop before I have to result in tickling you."

After going downstairs and eating, you heard knocking at the door. "Coming!" You yelled and opened the door. Arin and Suzy were standing there. "Oh, hey! What's up?" You asked, letting them in.
"Suzy said something about giving you a present for joining us or something." Arin said walking upstairs, finding Dan.
"Here." Suzy said, handing you a box. Opening it, you found a steampunk outfit. "It's so cute!" You said, taking it out. Suzy smiled sweetly, "Like it? I thought you might've wanted an outfit for Table Flip and I thought it would suit you."
"Like it? I love it!" You responded. You two carried on with your conversation till Arin and Dan magically reappeared.
"That would look cute on you." Dan said from behind, hugging you. Arin nodded and placed his arm around Suzy.
You blushed and smiled, "Really?"
"Of course!" Suzy said, with a sweet smile.
Barry walked in, and turned to you. "The game we're playing is going to be very.. fun. Enjoy." He said winking and you instantly knew Arin was gonna rage.
"I'll make sure to wear something throwing proof." You said back to him, making him laugh. "You better."

Arin looked at his phone and nodded to Dan. Confused you looked at your phone, it was only 6:29. "What's up you two?" Barry asked walking in with some tea.
"Nothing Bear. Go drink your tea or something." Arin said walking over to the door. "I'm gonna go grab something. Is it okay if Suze and I stay the night?"
We nodded and he smiled, "Cool, thanks."
You took Suzy to the guest room to set it up. "So, how's your relationship with Dan so far?" She asked, curious.
"Great! I love him alot, and I want him to be happy." You said, helping Suzy make the bed.
"That's wonderful! Oh my god, you are so precious! We are definitely keeping you." She said, holding her hands up.
Arin walked in and fell onto the newly made bed. "Are you fucking serious?" You asked him. He didn't move, just laid there. Suzy sighed and shook her head in disappointment.
Dan walked in, "We found a movie. Arin, get your lazy ass up and come help me make popcorn." He said, dragging Arin away.
"Noooooooo!" We heard Arin say as he was slowly taken away.

After remaking the bed, you and Suzy walked to the living room in our PJs.
"Hey ladies, what's up with the fancy look?" Arin asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Dan looked up from his phone and laughed. Barry was on the floor, being sat on by Arin.
"Go magical Barricorn! Go!" Arin began to resume yelling. Barry was flopped on the ground, not moving and complaining.
"Arin, your crushing the poor unicorn. Leave him be, for now." You added in that last part darkly.
You sat beside Dan and laid your head on his shoulder. Barry sat next to you and Arin and Suzy sat by Dan.
You turned your phone off and threw it onto the bean bag across the room.
"Everybody ready? Okay! Movie start!" Arin said as Dan handed you some popcorn.

After the movie, (Y/N) was asleep on my shoulder, Barry was asleep in her lap, and Suzy was in the guest bed asleep. Only Arin and I remained awake.
He got up and grabbed (Y/N)'s phone, "What's her pass, bro? She has another text from him." Arin asked me, handing me her phone.
Putting the password in, we opened the messenger app and read his text.

"(Y/N) honey~ Where. Are. You? I asked you to be here by 6:30. It's now 8:25. Wherever you are, I will get you. But first, Caleb and I have something of yours. Remember that necklace you treasured? We have it. If you want it, come and get it.
Also, by 3:42 pm tomorrow, this message will become a warning. Come to me now, or I come to you.
The love of your life,
P.S. Caleb knows everything. Even the truth about your past. We love you very much."

"Can I stab them please?" Arin asked, clearly silently raging. "Not yet. Tomorrow, I have an NSP shoot. I know you'll be doing Table Flip with her, please watch out." I said, deleting the text and turning her phone off again, throwing it back to the bean bag.
"Okay, you two bud. G'night." He said, patting my shoulder and walking off to the guest bedroom.
Looking back at (Y/N), I got a sudden flow of protection. Then one thought came to my head,

Wait till Brian hears I got a girlfriend. After all, I haven't told him during these few years due to never having a chance. This will be fun.

Heya! Hope you enjoyed!
To be honest, it gets hard thinking up random threats. The ship is too perfect to threat, but I have to as an author of fanfiction.

Question of the Chapter: What do you think your past is AND what Brian's reaction will be?


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