All the world's Courage

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Comment if you're enjoying lost so far!! Long chappie right here, so your welcome!! ~Victoria💭

I opened my eyes and looked at Iris. She looked like she was waiting for something.

"Are you gonna tell me?"

That's when I realized I had only said it in my head. My stomach was doing flips and I finally found the courage to say it.

"I'm moving tomorrow."

Iris didn't know what to do.

"Are you serious?" She asked.

"Afraid so."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" she asked, her voice unsure.

"I haven't known for a long time and for gods sake Iris, you've been my friend forever , it wasn't that easy to tell you." I almost shouted.

Her eyes watered. She kept staring at me. "I'm going to miss you."

"We'll video chat everyday and text all the time, I promise."

"Of course. Where are you moving?"

"Not a million miles away. Just to West Virginia." West Virginia and North Carolina didn't seem very far away, but 5 hour drives were far.

"I'll visit you all the time!"

"I hope so." She muttered as she flung herself out of her chair and out the cafeteria door. "One more thing!" She said walking in. "I'll see you after school." She added wrapping her arms around me.

I smiled, knowing I had such a supportive best friend. And I'd never meet anyone as good as Iris.

Since we were the last lunch of the the day, we only had eight period left of the day. I tapped my foot anxiously in my seat waiting for the bell to ring so I could get out of Mrs. Rhuet's Algebra class.

Staring at every second of the ticking hand on the clock. The bell finally rang.

I almost ran out of the classroom and made my way to the birch tree in the courtyard where Iris and I planned to meet.

She arrived, smiling, but not as bubbly as her normal self. Her blue eyes hit my brown ones and we smiled. She took my hand and we both walked down the road.

We came to her road and she froze. "You didn't think I'd let you pack by yourself, did you?" She smiled.

I smiled. And leaned my head on her shoulder. We continued onto my road.

I didn't want to leave tomorrow. I couldn't leave Iris. Without her, I'd be lost.

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