Briarcliffe Asylum

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April 14th 1948

"HELP ME" i screamed "whats going on" "she's tough" they said "turn it up to 100" a women shouted she was dressed like a nun but she had the devil in her eyes I was strapped on to a bed attached to a electric therapy machine with two wires on my head "Now" the nun said she gave me a evil look. I felt a agonising pain in my head like a million knifes then it all went black.

I woke up in my cell it was 07:30 I got up and heard the guard "get up and head to the main room" he shouted I walked out of my cell and made my way over to the main room. There were strange people in there some were sane most of them were completely unscrewed.

I sat on the sofa and stared out the window at all the rain and misery around the room one women was continuously banging her head against the wall over and over another man was having a normal conversation with thin air.

The sane ones walked over to me "your new here aren't you" the women said she had brown hair and was smoking a cigarette "yeah I arrived two weeks ago" i replied "what's your name" a man asked he had light brown hair and was wearing a light blue shirt
"Alison fields" i said he looked up and held his hand out I shook it
"kit Walker" he said grinning
"pleasure to meet you kit" i said smiling the women with brown hair stubbed out her cigarette and held her hand out to "Lana winters" She said smiling "well it's been a pleasure but I should really be going" i sighed
"where you going" kit chuckled
"your in the asylum there is nowhere to go" Lana added
"why are you two in here anyway" i asked
"they think I murdered 40 women in one night" kit laughed
"they think they can cure my lesbianism" Lana chuckled my mouth dropped
"is that even legal"
i said horrified
"No but it's briarcliffe they don't care"
She sighed "wow they fried you pretty good" kit said eyeing the scars on my head where I was electrocuted. Later that night Lana was on kitchen duty,making bread and soup for supper me and kit were sat in the main room. "So whose that over there"i queried
"her that's grace she hasn't spoke since the day she got here" he said sadly I looked up at him
"when was that" i asked
"7 years ago..I talk to her everyday but there's no reply she spends all her time drawing pictures of creatures she said she saw they day before she got here" he said kit was looking over at her she was sat on a arm chair with her legs dangled over the arm she was drawing. I stood up and went over to her kit stayed on the sofa she looked up at me, "hi" i said cheerfully there was no reply "I've heard so much about you from kit over there" i said smiling she glanced at kit then carried on drawing
"I'm Alison" i said holding my hand out she looked at it for a while kit was watching us from across the room I looked at him then back at grace she was still staring at my hand, she put her pencil down and shook it slowly. Kits face dropped in amazement I walked back over to him "how did you do that" he said with his eyes wide open
"well she is still hunan Kit" i implied
"i know but everytime I try and make contact with her or speak to her she ignores me" he said
"i don't know" i said blankly I looked over to the kitchen door Lana was walking out Kit looked over at her. "thankgod that's only once a week" She said shaking flour out of her hair we sat down and played chess
"oh god" i wailed
"what is it" Lana said cautiously
"they want to do another session of electric therapy with me" i mumbled
"but look at your head they can't they'll kill you" kit protested
"we can't let them" Lana proclaimed
The nun that electrocuted me last night was walking in she had the biggest smile on her face "Alison it's time for your electric therapy"
"you can't take her look at her head" kit said firmly
"i will do as I please Mr.walker" She said in her southern accent two guards come and dragged me out of the main room "No please" i screamed
"YOU CAN'T" kit shouted Lana spat on the nun. I was thrown in a room it wasn't the shock therapy room. A man with glasses was sat at a desk smoking a cigarette "hello I'm Dr. Thredson"he said if I would have known what was going to happen I would never have left the main hall.

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