murderess or ruthless

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It was 7:45am on a cold Monday morning. I got out of bed and made my way to the main hall to meet pepper. "Heyyy" i heard her shout from behind me she walked up to me and hugged me
"how was your sleep" i asked yawning
"The usual 8 hours" She said laughing
" Shall we" i gestured to the main hall she linked arms with me and we walked down the corridor.
When we got to the main hall kit was in there playing chess with grace. When I walked in he stopped and glared at me I just laughed at him and sat down.
"what time does he come to give his lecture" i said smiling
"oh it's usually about 8:30 sharp everyday" She laughed kit always comes up to me every single morning and every morning it goes the same old way:
"I'm sorry, it was a mistake..please". I always say to him
"Lana will" ever since I slapped her she hasn't spoke to me only short firey  glares.
Two months had passed since the whole Kit and Lana drama. Pepper and I were planning in getting out off briarcliffe and getting a apartment together just until we meet people. Her release date is in three Septembers same as mine.
It was 3pm and I heard sobs coming from the corner,it was Kit. I go over to see what's wrong with him.
"hey Kit..What's up" i ask awkwardly
"it should have been me it should have been me" he muttered rocking back and forwards
Kits POV
It all happened at 11:20am when me and Lana were in the garden at briarcliffe. She was picking the berries out of the bushes and I was collecting all the cucumbers, a tall man in a dark coat was stood at the fence. He was holding a large gun in his right hand we both noticed and went in the greenhouse,there was a gun shot into the sky the guards come outside to see what was going on but he was gone. Lana carried on picking berries and we both tried to brush it off. Suddenly there was another gun shot, I turned around and Lana was on the floor with a big red hole through her heart!
Alisons POV
"kit" i touched his back
"it should have been me it should have been me" he kept muttering
"kit..What's happened why are you crying?" i said concerned he looked up and me and hugged me like he used to and cried on my shoulder
"Lanas dead" he whispered in my ear
"you got what you always wanted" he said I looked at him confused
"how?" i asked
"She was shot by a man on the back field" he said crying even harder
i hugged him
"but this must be awful you two were in love.. You had plans together didn't you?" i said with a sympathetic look in my face.
he looked at me "i still love you you know" he said
"Kit just because Lanas dead doesn't mean you can come back to that way but I'll always be a friend" i smiled at him he had a look on his face like his whole world had just come crumbling down.
Who was the man who shot Lana?
Was it a man?
Why did they shoot Lana?
I was lurking in the corridors bored waiting for something to happen. I didn't feel safe here anymore..well I never did. Kit walks round the bend were I'm stood he approaches me
"hey you okay now" i asked
"She will have a proper burial tommorrow in the field"
"Alison did you think I loved Lana?" he asked
"errm yes?" i replied
"She was my best friend..I didn't love her I love you please" before I get chance to reply he's kissing me or am I kissing him? Either way it feels so good like a warm bath on a cold day.
I pull away he looks at me confused
"let's try again.. Out the tunnels" i say
He looks at me
"that's risky what about pepper?" he asked
"we'll bring her..Tommorrow night meet me here at 6pm then we're outta here" i say chucking and kissing his cheek.
I turn around and head back to the main hall "Alison" kits shouts from behind me I turn around
"Yes?" i say
He runs up to me and kisses me again
Are foreheads touch we both laugh
"goodbye kit" i say
Escape night
I wake up at 6:15am. I look outside its still dark I head to the main hall to get first dips on the jukebox. Kits in there already I walk over to him "ready to escape" he ask grabbing my hands and pulling me close
"i told you me and Pepper will meet you in the corridor at 6pm tonight when it's dark.
Pepper walks in the main hall
"what job are you going to get" She ask i think for a minute
" i want to be a weather girl" i reply
She nods her head in approval
"what about you" i smile at her
"i want to be a fashion designer and  my name to go world wide" She said
"wouldn't that be nice"  i laughed
"What time is it now" pepper asked
"16:00..nearly time" i said excitedly
"Where's kit do you know" i query
"he's on kitchen duty until 17:45pm then he'll meet us in the corridor
"It's 17:50pm where is he" i ask impatiently
"were going to lose are chance" pepper adds
"ooh ohh there he is over there running" i point out
"hey sorry about that kitchen duty was abit busy" he says apologetically
"let's get going" pepper shouts as she walks towards the underground tunnels
We finally reach the outdoors and it's dark so we run the the nearest town but on the way we cut across a field of poppy's
Kit screams
"kit ssshh" pepper whispers
"what is it" i ask
"The man.. The one who shot Lana he was over there I saw him" he said pointing to an old crooked fence
"come now it's just your imagination" pepper adds
We set up a camp in the middle of the forest and made two tents out of spare material. One for Pepper and one for Alison and Kit.
It was 00:00 and Kit,Alison and Pepper had gone into there tents to sleep until "BANG" a noise from outside went it awoke Kit and Alison whereas Pepper stayed  asleep
"what was that" i asked
"a gunshot" kit replied we both went outside and looked around.
I was completely zoned out until I heard Kit shout "Alison" then I felt a sharp pain go through my leg I fell to the ground the person who had shot me ran off. Pepper come flying out of her tent
"what was that" She asked
"she's been shot" kit said rapidly
" i just need a bandage I'll be fine" i insisted
But little did we know that tall man with the gun was going to become a BIG problem.

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