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"I'm fine I promise"  i shouted "we need to go back to Briarcliffe they'll treat you" kit said he carried me back to the asylum and took me into the hospital unit "she's been shot" pepper shouted Mary eunice was standing in the reception "what are you three doing awake" She asked "does it matter" Pepper said scowling at her.
"She needs help" kit screamed, he laid me down on a bed it was cold and hard. A doctor was looking down at me "this won't hurt much dear just try not to move" he said there was a sharp pain in my leg were I'd been shot I whimpered kit ran up to me and sat by my side holding my hand. I turned my head to look at him then back at the doctor, "I've found the bullet it needs to be removed this might hurt abit" he said I felt a large stab in my leg I screamed at the top of my lungs kit leaned over the bed and kissed me to stop the noise but I couldn't kiss him back it was to painful instead I just hugged him really,really tightly I could tell he was miming to pepper over my shoulder
I didn't have the energy to do anything I just wanted to sleep the doctor bandaged up my leg and handed me some crutches "you will need these for three weeks" he said I crutched out of the door and up the corridor to my cell "do you want me to stay with you" kit and Pepper asked in unison "I'm fine" i chuckled "i need  some rest" i said yawning "I'll be in the main hall if you need me" kit said hugging me and kissing my cheek "i love you" he whispered in my ear pepper walked up to me and hugged me aswell she smiled at me with tears in her eyes "stay strong.. Your my bestfriend" She said they both walked off down the hall I watched as they turned round the corner then turned around the guard grabbed the door for me "thankyou" i said and then crutched my way in I sat on the bed and propped my crutches up on the wall and went to sleep.
It was 7am the next day when I awoke
I got up out off bed tried to walk to the door forgetting all about my crutches "aaahhh" i screamed
"what is it" the guard outside the door asked,
"i forgot my crutches it's okay" i muttered
I hopped over to the corner of the room and grabbed them off the wall, I crutched over to the door the guard opened it for me
"thankyou" i smiled at him
"my pleasure ma'am" he smiled back
I crutched down the corridor to the main hall I went in and saw pepper and Kit stood near the jukebox talking  kit spotted me tapped pepper and she turned around to they started walking over to me
"good morning"
kit said kissing my cheek
"Did you hear the news" said pepper I could tell she'd been crying there were big red marks under her eyes kit was not to happy aswell
"what's happened" i asked confused
"Dr Thredson wants to see me you and Kit" pepper said
"and what's so bad about that" i queried
"well we've been talking about it all morning" She said looking at kit
"and we have reason to believe he's the one that shot you" i looked up at her shocked
"they are some pretty big assumptions pepper" i said nervously
"it's 10:00am we have to go" kit said
"go were" i questioned
"Dr. Thredsons" he said
We walked down the hall to a door
Dr O.Thredson
Was on the door we went in and sat down he turned around on his spinny
Chair and looked at us through his thick black glasses
"i thought you weren't going to show up" he said flatly
"Did we have a choice" pepper said chuckling me and kit laughed
A flicker of anger flashed across Thredsons face
"Do you want to identify the man who shot you in the leg Mrs.fields" he said firmly
"well obviously but he was wearing a mask I didn't see his face" i said he looked at me and smiled
"wait if this is about Alisons injury why are we here" kit asked
"your a witness"
Thredson said whilst reading some papers
" i don't think you know this but there has been another shooting early this morning" he said
"who" i asked
"a guard he was shot in the head" Thredson sighed I gasped
"briarcliffe isn't safe anymore" kit said shaking his head
"i don't feel safe anymore then again I never did not here" said pepper staring out the window
Later on we were sat in the main hall it was around 6pm
"how's your leg" kit asked
i said smiling at him Mary eunice walked in and another woman she had blonde hair and was quite old
"attention everyone" She shouted everyone turned to look at her
"I've got some exiting news" She said enthusiastically
"we've got a new nun this is sister Jude" She gestured to the elderly woman she had a stern look on her face like she'd just failed an exam
"sister Jude is going to come get to know you all" She said and walked out sister Jude walked up to me, pepper and Kit first
"Hello how are you" She said with a forced smile I looked up at her and realised she was speaking to me
"errm fine thankyou" i hesitated
"What about you two" She said looking at kit and Pepper
"were good" kit said
"I'm Alison" i held out my hand she shook it
"kit" kit held his out aswell
"pepper" She held hers out she shook each of our hands and smiled
"well it's been a pleasure" She said and walked off.
"She was nice" i said sympathetically
She walked back over to us
"sorry its just I forgot to say pepper you've got kitchen duty"  She walked away again pepper stood up
"see you tomorrow" She said and walked into the kitchen kit looked at me and smiled "so when are you okay to walk" he asked
"next Tuesday" i replied smiling he grinned at me and stood up
"follow me" he said he lead me up the corridor and into the garden in the trees there were lights hung up and a large banner saying
get well soon Alison
my eyes began to water as I stared at the lights and the banner. I turned to kit who was smiling at me
"you did all this?" i asked shocked
"pepper helped"  he said smiling
He'd laid out beanbags on the floor I went and sat on one he sat beside me and kissed me on the lips
"what is the meaning of this" i asked
"well it was 4 months ago today we met" he smiled picked up a plate from behind his beanbag it was full of
Strawberry delights I gasped
"how did you know" i said shocked
"pepper told me" he said laughing
We both took one of the plate and chuckled
"Alison I didn't just bring you out here for our anniversary" he said standing up I looked at
him he crouched down in front of me
" i also wanted to say" he was getting something out of his back pocket
I almost choked when I saw what came out of that pocket it was a ringbox
"Alison Fields will you marry me" i stared at him in shock.

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