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"Alison..wait" Kit shouted. I was hugging pepper so hard I could hardly hear him pepper didn't know what had happened but she saw my tears and hugged me.
After kitchen duty back in the main hall I had changed into a jumper some leggings and some UGG boots. I wasn't crying anymore I was just sat on the sofa "will you please tell me what happened" pepper said wiping some tears of my cheek "i saw kit kissing Lana in the stock room" i said
"ooh Alison" She said sympathetically
"he gave an illusion he was different but it turns out he's just like the rest of them"
"there men it's what they do" pepper said
"from now can it just be me and you pepper, me and you against the men" i said
"I would like that" She said planting a kiss on my forehead
"i haven't had a best friend in a long time,it feels good to finally have someone to talk to"
"Kit came over to the sofa were we were sitting
"go away" i shouted
"Alison please it didn't mean anything I hated it" i looked up at him and stood up
"i wish I could believe you" i said I walked past him pepper followed we went over to the jukebox that sat next to the Dominique record and put "don't go breaking my heart one" he looked over at me when it come on he turned around and slapped the wall behind him. "his loss" pepper said
"you bearly knew him anyway"
She said trying to comfort me
"look I'm going to give you sometime alone okay it'll do you good" She said walking off I lit a cigarette and watched her walk away. The last time someone walked away from me,they cheated on me.Just my luck. Kit walked up to me and "i don't want to speak to you Kit believe it or not I hate you.." he stared at me for a while in disbelief "GO AWAY" i shouted "please just give me a chance" i sat back down and looked out of the window listening to his sorry words
"i know you hate me and I know you probably don't want to speak to me but I just wanted to apologise" kit said he went to walk away
"kit wait" I called a glimmer of hope spread across his face
"it wasn't just the kiss that annoyed me it was the fact that you would do that to me you know my story,no one ever loved me kit not even my own mother and in isolation when you said you'd go to the end of the world for me I believed you turns out it was just lies like the rest of my pathetic existence" tears flooded down my face Kit looked up and put his hand on mine
"i really do love you Alison" he said with pleading eyes
"if you loved me you wouldn't hurt me like that" i said
"I was confused plus you never heard the full story" he said rapidly
"and what's that" i said
"I got a message from Lana in my cell she'd posted a message though the bars it told me to meet her in the stock room at 4pm when I got there she kept repeating what I was saying and before you saw us I said " Lana we shouldn't be doing this" and she knew were going to be coming and she set the whole thing up she tried to ruin what we have" Kit was in tears
I was too
"Kit I wish I could believe you I really do" i got up off the sofa and went to pepper I sat down with her and leant my head on her shoulder she was colouring in a picture of a tiger.
"You okay?" She asked
"i don't need men do I?" i asked
"Of course you don't don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise" She said I lifted my head
"your a great friend you know Pepper" She grinned at me and I grinned back. Suddenly the doors burst open it was sister Jude ( Mary eunices boss) someone's been murdered she bellowed.
" i can't believe someone got murdered this afternoon I don't feel safe" i told pepper
"who do you reckon the murderer is"
She asked
"Dr.Thredson" i said oblivious to the fact she hasn't met him before
"I've seen him around he looks quite humble and fatherly" She said
"hey don't judge a book..remember"i said
Lana walked over to the table me and Pepper were at "i have nothing to say to you" i said making no eye contact
"please just let me explain she said grabbing my arm I shook her off and walked away with Pepper by my side. She tried to stop my again to explain I turned around and slapped her
"you ruined my one chance at being loved" i screamed her nose was bleeding "i guess you'll never know the truth" She said before running to the ladies room. Kit was staring from across the room I looked at him with a stone cold glare I linked arms with Pepper and we made our way back to the sofa
Kit walked up to us "that was cold" he said
" oh really nearly as cold as breaking someone's heart even though they've never been loved by anyone before..  That's cold Kit"
He scoffed and walked to the corner were Lana was to comfort her it was official Alison and Pepper ruled briarcliffe now.

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