"Perfect Day"

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Everything was going so well,me and kit were engaged pepper was a bridesmaid we were planning on getting married when we were released. Well if we were released. Kit was still being charged for the mass murder so if we were to be married I needed to prove he didn't kill those women.
It was 7am on a wet Friday morning
I got up out of bed and crutched out of the door to the main hall the guard who usually opens it had but a weight in front of it keeping it open and he left a note on the door
"had an emergency sorry"
I read it and placed it back on the door I crutched down the corridor and into the main hall sister Jude was stood near the door
"good morning dear how did you sleep" She grinned
"morning sister Jude I slept well thankyou" i smiled she nodded at me and I crutched over to kit and Pepper who for some reason are always in here before me I looked at them mysteriously
"why do you keep arriving in here ridiculously early" i asked
"haven't you figured it out" pepper said scrunching up her eyebrows
"i can't say I have" kit tied a blind fold around my head and carried me into another room. It was dark when he took it off then the lights came on
A large banner hung across the ceiling
Happy birthday Alison
I stared at it in shock.
"it's my birthday?" i said confused
oh my God it's my birthday I completely forgot.
"happy birthday Alison" said kit before kissing me on the lips
"aaahhh happy birthday Alison" said pepper before hugging me I chuckled
"how did you guys know it was my birthday" i asked kit smirked at pepper
"not telling" She said songly
She gave me a parcel with white string wrapped around it
I looked up and smiled
"i wonder what this could be" i said
"open it and find out then" said kit enthusiastically I opened it and there was a two cards and underneath was a box it was covered in white leather I opened it and there were two diamond earrings with a note that said "love you from kit" i smiled at him and then threw myself around his shoulders kissing him
"how did you know I wanted diamond earrings" i said
"well" he said looking at pepper
"i had some help" She laughed
"wait till you see my present" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into a closet in the room it was dark then she turned the lamp on there on the hanger hung a beautiful dress the top was white and the skirt a violet blue.
I stared at it in shock
"do you not like it"
She said concerned
"you must be joking I love it" i shouted in happiness I threw my arms round her neck and hugged her so hard kit was watching and smiling from in the over room.
Everything was going so well until.
"WATCH OUT" kit screamed from over the room the lights went out and it all went black.
I awoke in a dark room strapped to a bed but this wasn't briarcliffe.
"Kit?" i shouted there was not reply I tried to move but I was just restricted by the straps.
"pepper?" i started to cry I'm so confused
"Hello..is anyone there?" still noone answered.
It was 30 minutes later until someone walked in.
"Hello Alison" i girl was walking towards me it took me awhile to realise that it was Grace
I gasped she was covered in blood and was holding an axe.
"what's going on?" i asked
She smiled and laughed
"well it's not hard to figure out" She laughed. I glared at her
"I'll give you a hint I murdered your friends and kidnapped you" She smiled I froze in horror.
"MY FRIENDS AREN'T DEAD WHERE ARE THEY" i screamed so loud I knew kit and Pepper wern't dead I just knew.
"well you didn't murder them" laughed a boy he was stood in the doorway he was wearing a black coat and he had blonde hair.
"who are you" i asked
"I'm kits brother" he said
"he never told me he had a brother" i said
"he hates me" the boy said miserably
"i can't imagine why" i smiled sarcastically
"I'm Alison Fields Kits girlfriend"
I said trying to find out what the hell was going on.
"I'm tate..tate Langdon " said the boy
"can I please see kit" i asked
"he's dead" said tate
"LIAR" i managed to wiggle out off the restraints and run out the room Grace tried to run after me but tate stopped her "let her go she'll see" he said
I opened all the doors on this old creaky corridor I opened the door to the last one.
"Kit" i said relieved he looked terrible
"i thought you were dead" i started to cry and hug him. I pulled away
"what's happened to face" i said rapidly he had a black eye and a cut near his eye brow.
"My brother..he's the murderer" he said weakly a women started to laugh in the darkness of the room.
"your brother didn't do anything" She said then came into the light
"it can't be..I watched you die" said kit
"Lana?" i said confused
"it's me" She smiled she was holding a cigarette
"no you died" said kit
"no my sister died" laughed Lana
"the person you saw get shot was my twin Bette we used to be conjoined but the doctor separated us. I used to be called dot but I had to change my name" explained Lana
"wait why did you need to change your name" i asked
"because I used to work at a freakshow with my conjoined twin but when I had my heart broken by another freak jimmy darling I shot and killed everyone there" She smiled
"so your the murderer" i gasped she started to clap
"wait were is pepper?" i asked
"I'd tell you but you already know to much" She smiled and held a gun to my head. All of a sudden kit grabbed my punched Lana in the face knocking her gun to the other side of the room he ran and grabbed it and pointed it in her direction
"Alison GO NOW" Kit
shouted I ran into the room where tate was and kicked him in the face he fell unconscious. Grace tried to punch me but I grabbed her fist and flipped her over
"come on then" said kit in the doorway
"what about Lana" i asked
"i knocked her out but we better hurry up she won't be out long" he said
we ran out of the building and into the forest.
"We forgot pepper" i said
"peppers at briarcliffe safe" said kit
He pulled me in and kissed me
"where are we going to go" i asked
"we are going to go far away and buy a house and get married. I smiled at him
"that sounds good"
3 years later
"good morning Alison" said kit
"morning" i said sitting up in bed
"do you know what day it is?" he asked I looked around for any clues
"i don't know" i looked down at my baby bump
He sat down on the bed next to me and put his hand on it
"it's your birthday" he smiled
"my birthday" i gasped I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen were kit was, he spun me around and kissed me.
"what time is it" i asked
"6:35am" said kit.
"what are we doing today" i asked
He held up his wellies were going for a walk by the lake" he said
"it's good for the baby" he smiled
"finally the perfect birthday" i said
We were walking by the lake holding hands I kept hearing a rustling sound coming from the bushes I just ignored it. When we finally sat down at a bench I was buried into kits chest but then I froze it was Tate in the bushes
"kit" i said rising
"There's your brother over there" i pointed kit stared at him but then tate started to run towards us.
He was holding a baseball bat
"kit" i screamed he jumped up picked me up and ran towards the house but tate was too fast he caught up and knocked kit out he fell on the grass.
"please I'm pregnant" i pleaded
"I'm not going to hurt you" he said he was wearing a mask with a huge smile on it.
"why did you just knock my husband out" i questioned he smiled
"so I can push him in the lake" he laughed I stared at him in disgust
"tate you mind walking in the woods with me" i asked He smiled
"my pleasure" he said offering me a hand to get up. We walked over to the woods "im just going to sit down in this log" i said smiling he was looking at a tree he came and sat next to me I grabbed a sharp stick from behind the log and held it behind my back
"isn't it beautiful" he said leaning back
"yeah especially the flowers" i replied
This was my chance I plunged the stick straight through his heart it stuck there covered in blood he died only seconds later I dragged the body over to the lake and pushed it in.
"Kit?" i shouted
"kit please" i shook his shoulders
there was no response
I began to cry had kit really left me?
Was i all alone now?
"kit...no" i shook him harder
"no no no no"
I stood up and walked back to the house
I sat down on the couch and cried for hours until I fell asleep I woke up it was 2am I heard the door open in hallway
I grabbed the lamp off the table and stood up
"oh my god" i dropped the lamp
It was Kit!
"would I ever leave you" he said
I ran up to him kissed him
"never" i whispered in his ear.
The End❤

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