"True love"

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I woke up in a dark room there was no window, only a hole in the door with large black bars filling it." Kit?" i shouted "Alison?" a voice shouted back "Kit.. Where are we?" i shouted there was a long silence " i don't know..but Where's Lana?"he said "Kit where are you?" i asked "in the cell opposite you" i looked out of the hole in the door "Kit" i said relieved and tried to fit my arm through the small space to hold his hand. "We need to find Lana" he called
"that won't be necessary" another voice called
It was Thredson "what did you do to her you sick"
"oh she's fine Thredson interrupted
"where is she" i growled
"she's in an advanced institution for the sexually disturbed" Thredson said firmly me and Kit shared a glance
"YOUR SICK THREDSON" Kit screamed before breaking down into tears.
"you will be released from isolation tommorrow morning" Thredson said as he walked out the room.
"Kit I don't know what's going to happen to us whether it be good or bad but I just want you to know I will always love you..always" i said in tears he looked up at me
"I'd go to the end of the world for you Alison fields I didn't believe in love until I met you..I love you" he said tearing up again we managed to touch hands slightly through the bars.
The next morning Thredson walked into isolation "please make your way back to the main hall" he said unlocking my cell a guard was unlocking kits. When he got out of his cell he walked up to me and planted a kiss on my forehead "let's go" he whispered we walked to the main hall were "Dominique" was being played in repeat, rumour has it that song hasn't stopped playing since WW1.
"I'm worried about Lana" kit said anxiously
"i hope she's okay" i said
"its Thredson he's got her cooped up somewhere I know it" he said angrily
"Lana kept me sane when I was on edge,she kept me company when I was lonely she's my best friend and I don't want to lose her" he said.
"i lost my best friend it's not a good feeling" i said quietly kit looked at me shocked "really you never told me that" he said "i don't talk about her much not after" i stopped and looked up at Kit "it's okay" he said softly the door in the main hall opened and Mary "devil" eunice walked in. "Hello everyone" he said with a grin on her face stretching from one ear to another "i came to talk to you about escaping" She said glancing over at kit and me
"it's an easy thing to do and I'm sure all of you no about the tunnels" She said "but if anyone's tries it again they will receive 100 lashes of the cane" She shouted
"hopefully Lana ran back to her news agency to shut this place down" i mumbled Kit glanced over to me
"i might go see grace for a minute" he walked off "rude" i thought and very out of character for someone like kit.
Why did he just reject me like that?
Is it something I said?
"oh well I'll go see pepper" i thought
Pepper was another patient in the asylum of course she had brown hair and was commonly known for how beautiful she was,although she wasn't very bright. She knew little about the world and her skills and talents were limited but she was easy to talk to and great for advice. "pepper you did just see that didn't you" i said
"yeah that was like well out of order" She said filing her nails
"i know right if he loved me he wouldn't be with grace" i said
And then I realised how desperate and jealous I sounded it's Kits life and I can't stand in the way of that.Grace and Kit are friends. A guard walked in the main hall "Alison,Pepper,Grace please can you go to the kitchen for kitchen duty. Me and Pepper were walking down the corridor to kitchen duty"grace?" i said she turned and looked at me
" I'll take that as a yes" i said
"do you like Kit in that way" i said in a worried tone she stopped causing me and pepper to stop there was a long pause "yes" She said.Grace spoke. She actually spoke "why did you go mute all those years if you liked him why didn't you tell him" i questioned
"i..wasn't..sure..he felt the same" She said
We arrived at the kitchen me and pepper were rolling out some dough "There's something weird about her" pepper said swishing her brown hair of her shoulder "I don't know..I'm just going to nip outside and get some more seasonings" i said to pepper she nodded I opened the door and walked around the corridor to the stock room "Kit we shouldn't be doing this" i heard a voice say I peeped my eye round the corner of the stock cupboard it was Lana and Kit. I gasped but they didn't hear me,I kept really quiet so I could find out what was going. Lana said "don't you go out with" She was cut of by kit he was kissing her passionately on the lips I gasped so loud both off them turned to look at me, tears were dripping down my cheeks " oh crap" i heard Kit say I ran into the kitchen and straight into peppers arms.

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