Turtored souls

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I was sat in Dr.Thredsons office wondering what was happening he stubbed out his cigarette and looked at me "So why are you here" he asked
"they think I'm a murderer" i said
"well you are aren't you" he said chucking I looked at him horrified
"i loved my sisters I would never have hurt them" i growled he looked at me shocked
"Mary eunice was right, you are a tough one" he said
"I'm confused who's Mary eunice?"i said scrunching up my eyebrows
"the nun who was supervising your shock therapy" he said firmly.
"aren't I supposed to be in shock therapy now" i said looking at the clock he looked over at a machine with aload of wires flowing out of it.
"what's that" i said shakily
"operating machine" he said rapidly
"it cuts out your kidneys and injects them with medication" he said
"what medication" i asked
"i can't tell you that" he said shaking his head
"well are you going to use it on me" i shouted
"well of course..why else would you be here" he laughed
"but you can't I'm not crazy please" i cried the guard who escorted me to the office grabbed me and strapped me into the machine. "No please I'll have shock therapy please" i screamed but it was no use Dr.Thredson pressed a blue button and my stomach went really cold. "this is the numbing process.. Don't worry it won't last long" Thredson said looking at some papers. Moments later I felt a sharp jab in my stomach,I howled in pain the numbing had hardly worked. I looked at Thredson he was smiling "YOU PHYSCO" i spat
"well that's one way to put it" he said in a cheesy voice. I looked over at the guard he wasn't even looking at the machine he had his head in his hands. I heard Kit down the hall my head shot up he was banging in the door "Thredson you physcopath" he shouted
"Kit this is none of your concern" he shouted
"i don't give a crap it's humanity" he shouted the door flung open Kit was red he was really angry. He punched Dr.Thredson in the face the guard went to get his gun but he just let us go. Lana was outside the door, Kit grabbed my hand dragged me out of the machine bandaged my wound and we ran. We were sprinting down the corridors laughing, we were heading for some underground tunnels that lead to a forest outside. Lana said she over heard the nuns talking about them when she was smoking in the asylums garden. When we reached the tunnel we saw a gang of guards sat on tires playing polka, "quietly" kit whispered we tried to avoid the guards but the heard us "whose there" one shouted. We sprinted through the tunnels they were all wet and slimey the walls were covered in oil. All the guards were chasing us when we reached the end of the tunnel kit shut the door and locked it. We'd done it. We had actually escaped. We walked through six towns before we set up a camp in the forest. "when I go back home I'm going to reveal that place to the world" Lana stated
"Good luck they'll never believe you" kit added
"i wouldn't be so sure" She said pulling a file out from behind her back
"oh my God how did you get that" Kit said eyes wide staring at the file
When you were rescuing Alison I kind of just slipped it out of a folder in the hall" Lana chuckled
"that place is going down" i said
"after what they did to you to all off us I'm going to make sure they pay" Kit growled "i think we need more firewood" Lana said as the fire started to differ
She walked off into the darkness
"So how long were you in there for" i asked
"i arrived about 6 months ago" kit said looking down
"Lana got here about 3 months ago" he said
"it was quite boring until she came.. I Spent most of my time with grace,she didn't talk to me but I didn't feel lonely talking to her.
"but when you came Alison I felt something I haven't felt in a long time" Kit said his eyes glimmering
"what?" i asked he leaned in and kissed me it was passionate and I realised something I loved Kit Walker,I felt warm went he kisses me it was heavenly. We pulled away from each other "Wow" i said "Wow he repeated
"i know it's crazy I met you yesterday but... I love you Alison fields" he looked at me and smiled
"when you came I looked at you and thought you were the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" one by one his words melted my heart.
"when I arrived I saw you and I knew I loved you I just wasn't sure you felt the same way" i said anxiously he smiled and kissed me again

Lana's POV
I collected all the firewood and filled my waterbottle up at a nearby river. I think about my feelings for Kit everyday he's the one thing that kept me going in that place. I made my way back to our camp I passed a large sycamore tree on my way back it must have been at least 100m tall I looked up at it for a couple of minutes. I carried on back to camp I was practicing a speech in my head of how I wanted to tell kit how I feel. I arrived back I dropped the wood Kit and Alison were kissing my heart sunk I overheard parts of their conversation " i love you Alison fields" he said tears ran down my face I ran off into a small cave and cried for a while. I was thinking for a long time whether I still liked Alison I suppose she didn't know. I didn't care really because in the cave all my feelings for Kit just blew away like the wind in the leaves I couldn't care less infact I was happy for them.
Alisons POV
"Lanas been a while now should we go look for her" i suggested
"she'll be back soon" kit said
"HELP HELP ME" a voice called from within the trees
"it's her" kit said we followed her voice and she was being thrown into the back off a van it was briarcliffes
We'd been caught!

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