Random One Shot

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Selina sat in bed alone in her bathrobe

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Selina sat in bed alone in her bathrobe. She tapped the bed with her hand and gnawed on her bottom lip. She had been waiting for Oliver to return home for about 2 hours and as each minute past,she got worried. He went out to do his hero stuffs, saving the city and all that. She grabbed the tv remote and begun to watch tv with a tray of snacks next to her to calm her down. She ran through the available channels while mumbling to herself.

"Calm down, Selina... He'll be back. He can handle... Himself." Her voice cracked.

She wiped away the tears forming in her eyes and clenched the tv remote.
She stopped switching channels when she realized she was going through the same channels over and over again. She turned off the tv and munched on Pringles.

"He'll be back, he'll be back.."she muttered repeatedly.

She kept the Pringles back in the snack tray and got out of bed. She changed into her normal casual clothes then went out to a nearby bar. The city was dim-lighted so Selina brought her night vision goggles (her cat ears) just in case. She dragged her feet into the bar and slumped on a chair. She got herself a shot of vodka, along with a lime. She gulped down the shot and bit the lime. An elderly man from a distance noticed Selina's despair and sat next to her.

"Hey, you okay?"he asked.

Selina looked at him and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." She gulped down another shot and sighed.

"You can handle all that alcohol?"he asked.

"I'm a grown woman, for your information..."Selina spat. "Sorry..."

"You seem troubled? Boyfriend problems?"the man asked.

"Something like that... It really isn't much of a problem.. I'm just worried about him,"she replied with another shot glass in her hand.

The man watched her drink that one down and he cleared his throat. Selina slammed the shot on the table and hit her forehead on the table.

"I'm Benjamin, by the way,"the man said.

"I'm Selina,"Selina mumbled.

"You don't look well,"Benjamin stated.
"I am perfectly fine, Benjamin. Just I'm a lady doesn't mean I'm weak when it comes to alcohol,"Selina said.

Well, by the look on her face, Benjamin could tell she was definitely unwell. Her eyes and nose were red, her face had a weak expression and her eyes looked like they were forced opened. She stumbled out of the place and Benjamin followed her. She stuck her head in a bin and threw up whatever she drank. Benjamin held back her hair as she threw up.

"Thanks,"she muttered when she stopped but then another round came

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"Thanks,"she muttered when she stopped but then another round came.

She finally stopped and she cried in Benjamin's shoulder. Benjamin offered her a ride home and she accepted the offer. During the ride, Selina had fallen asleep at the back of the car. She was snoring softly. It was a very light snore. Benjamin had gotten her to key in her address in the GPS for things to go easier. Asking directions from a sick and slightly drunk lady wouldn't work out. He arrived her house and tried to wake her up but she didn't. Benjamin got out and rang the bell, hoping for a reply. Surprisingly, Oliver answered the door.

"Hello, how may I help you?"Oliver asked and leaned against the door frame.

"You're Selina's boyfriend?"Benjamin asked.

"Uhh... Yeah,"Oliver replied. "How do you know and where is she? You her dad?"

"No, no, no. Just a friend. She's in the car, all whoozy,"Benjamin said.

Ollie ran to the car and chuckled at the sight of Selina sleeping at the back. She carried her, bridal style, and went into the house. He stopped his tracks and looked at Benjamin.

"Thanks for bringing her back from wherever she went,"Ollie said.

"My pleasure,"Benjamin responded and smiled.

Benjamin helped Oliver close the front door and he drove back home. Oliver settled Selina down on the bed and pulled the covers over her. She woke up, still looking sick, and looked at Oliver.

"Where were you?"she whined.

Oliver sat on the bed, beside her and clasped his hands together

"I was... Trying to chase down this group of thieves. I caught them and I got lost in the city and finding a taxi was really hard,"Oliver said.

Selina giggled and hugged the covers. Oliver placed a hand on Selina's forehead and shook his head.

"You've gotten a mild fever,"he said.

"Stressed out.."

He kissed her forehead and stroked her hair.

"Where did you go?"Oliver asked in concern.

"The nearby bar,"Selina replied and rubbed her eyes.

"Sleep now... If you're sick tomorrow, you'll waste the whole day in bed,"Oliver said.

Selina obeyed his orders and fell asleep, instantly. Oliver laid beside her and watched tv on his own. She begun to snore softly again, a sign that she's in deep sleep. Oliver tried his best not to burst into laughter and he took a picture of her sleeping and a video of her snoring. After a while of tv and watching the snoring video a couple of times, Oliver fell asleep as well.

This was to kill my boredom...

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