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As Selina walked down the pavement, she heard footsteps behind her. Using her phone, she watched the reflection on her phone of a man, his face hidden under a hat. When she sped up, the man mimicked her speed. She begun to run from the man but he followed her. She stopped and punched the man hard in the face but he was rather solid. He grabbed her wrist and twisted her arm. Selina struggled to fight him. She yanked her aching arm and attempted to kick the man. The man ended up grabbing her leg and threw her to the ground. Before she could get up, he held her down with his body weight. He let out a loud whistle and a few more men just came out of nowhere.

Selina tried to scream but was gagged. She fainted because the gag that was around her mouth contained a tranquilizer drug. The men dragged her into their van and to an abandoned warehouse in the woods, somewhere a distant from Gotham. She was tied up and thrown into a small empty room. She was abused badly. Her lip split, her whole body was filled with cuts and bruises and she was whipped. Her hair was cut for no apparent reason. The men were just psychotic.

They left her in the warehouse while they went off, back to Gotham for a while before coming back for round two. Selina cried to herself in the warehouse and screamed. She knew that nobody could hear her but she had to let out her pain.

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