Tag again

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Tagged by _TheQuestion_

13 facts about me... Okie dokie...

1) I've never had a pet cat or dog before.

2) I had six hamsters.

3) I have a younger brother. He's like a few inches shorter than me.

4) I play Call of Duty when I'm bored on my PS4. I love shooting games.

4) Musicals are life!

5) I don't cry when I watch movies. Pssshhh..... Actually I did, once ... Les Miserables!

6) I can never stay angry for long. When I'm get mad, I laugh easily then forget what I was mad about. It's weird!

7) If people do bad things to me, I usually get my revenge. I'm evil!

8) I wear glasses. I'm a nerd and a bookworm~

9) My Harry Potter house is Ravenclaw!

10) My patronus is a peacock.

11) I am the eldest sibling in my family.

12) I have 12 cousins XP

13) I loooove to write.

I tag anyone who wants to do this.

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