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Selina needed a bit of time on her own. The only thing she could do at the moment was ride around Gotham. She knew it wasn't safe but, what else could she do? She got her bike and begun cycling around the area. There were cars whizzing past her as she rode her bike. Making a turn, she went through and alley.

Her mind flooded with thoughts as she rode through the alley. The darkness cowering over her made her lose concentration on her cycling but somehow, she managed to go on. It was a blind alley. On the other side was the road. She went on and on, still lost in thought. When sunlight hit her face at the end of the alley, the last thing she remembered was feeling a hard impact by her side. She was knocked off her bike and she laid on the ground, motionless and unconscious.

Hours later, she was in a hospital bed, still unconscious

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Hours later, she was in a hospital bed, still unconscious. Her arm was in a cast, her leg was all wrapped up, her head had a bandage tied around it and she had a few stitches around her body.

'Will I be missed?'

'Why was I so stupid?'

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