The Brother [RP]

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[Intro of the OC]
(I felt that Sel was TOO lonely so, I had this weird idea of a jerky older brother wandering in my head)

You decided to go to Selina's place for a little visit. You walk to her apartment unit and as you were about to knock, you heard the sound of something crashing down from inside and a muffled yells. When the noise died down, you knocked on the door lightly. The door swung open and a man who looked at least 2 or 3 years older than Selina stood there.

"Yes, how may I help you?" He asked

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"Yes, how may I help you?" He asked.

"I came here to see Selina," you mumbled and stared at the guy.

"Ah, she's in the um... Storage room," he said and moved aside to let you in.

You walked in hesitantly and went to the storage room. The man remained at the door as if guarding it but you didn't care. You peered inside the storage room and saw that Selina was tied up with a face of pure anger.

What do you do?

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