Diseases & Emotions (Open RP)

73 8 122

(Anyone can continue in the comments)

Odd things were happening to her. Her last fight on a rooftop didn't go well. She lost her balance easily, her movements were slow and hesitant and when she aimed with a gun, her hands trembled like mad. She had to retreat from that fight for she knew she wouldn't win.

The following day, she went to the doctor to check. She expected the symptoms to be caused from lack of sleep but it was much worse. Parkinson's disease.

She returned to her apartment, devastated and depressed. It was incurable. How was she going to be Catwoman at this state? She held her pistol and her hands trembled violently. She tossed the gun aside and slammed her head on the table.

She remained quiet and sat there for the rest of the day.

(What do/would you do? Continue in the comments)

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