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Tagged by my good friend Luke_Grace

Tagged by my good friend Luke_Grace

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1. Your Nickname: >.> I have a few... Selie, Kitty, Cat, Kitten.

2. Your eye color: Brown

3. Your hair color: Brown. I'm so plain!

4. One fact about you: Um... I have two dogs, one cat? I don't know what to tell you guys.

5. Favorite color: Black. I wear black all the time!

6. Favorite place: Where my friends and family are.

7. Favorite celebrity: Mariah Carey! I mean, who doesn't love her?

8. Favorite animal: Dogs & Cats

9. Favorite song: Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. Don't judge me!

10. Favorite book: Harry Potter

I tag whoever wants to do this. I'm niiiiiiiiccccceeeee..

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