Chapter 6

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          Chapter 6

Adrienne's P.O.V.

          I was so embarrassed at what just happened with Bruno.  I don't know what happen, but I'm glad it happened.  What am I saying we are going too fast.  He wanted still wanted to go to the club so I accepted.

          When we were walking we realized that Phil and I hadn't introduced ourselves to each other.  We made our introductions then Bruno and Phil started talking about LA.  I mainly listened.  It sounded amazing there I hope someday I will be able to go there. 

          When we got to the bar all of the Hooligans were there with drinks in hand. 

"Where were you guys?" The tall man asked.  I think his name was Kameron but I wasn't sure. 

"Ask the sex dragon" Phil said with a smirk.  Everyone started laughing when Phil said that.

          My face turned red as a tomato, I looked up at Bruno and he gave Phil a death glare.  I know we didn't do anything but I was so embarrassed because Phil told everyone.   Once they stopped laughing, I could tell Bruno was annoyed.

"How about that drink?" he asked me.

"That would be great."  I smiled, he put his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the bar.

"Hi, what would you like?" The bar tender asked.  She seemed annoyed an acted like she hated her job. 

"Rum and coke, and whatever the pretty lady would like."  He said turning to me smiling.   The girl rolled her eyes at Bruno's compliment.

"Margarita, on the rocks, please." She walked away to get our drinks and we waited at the bar.

"Hey I'm sorry about them..."  He said sincerely.

"Bruno, it's fine, I promise. Don't even worry about it." I flashed a smile. I really didn't even care anymore, guys will be guys, right?

          We got our drinks and went to go sit down at a table near the guys.  The song that was playing changed and before we could sit down he asks "Do you want to dance?"  You could literally see all the excitement in his face.

"Well that all depends how badly you want to be embarrassed?"

          He started to laugh then pulled me out on the dance floor.  We kept dancing to fast songs one after another.  I was having so much fun and I could tell Bruno was too!  Eventually a slow song came on.  He stopped, smiled and looked at me.  I smiled back as he held out his hand for me.  I kindly accepted and he put his hand in mine and his other hand made around to me waist.

"If there's one thing that I can't do is slow dance."  I said in his ear.

"You're doing great. Just listen to the music..." He responded into my ear, his hot breath on my neck sending chills down my spine.  We continued to dance and I listened to the music.  I have to say it did help!

"Are you ready for the dip?"  He asked before I could say anything he dipped me.  We looked into each other's eyes. Time just froze.  He then pulled me back up the song then ended.  A fast song came on and we decided to go take a sip of our drinks before hitting the floor again.

          We ended up dancing until 3 in the morning and with the alcohol flowing nicely you could say we were gone by now. We had a hard time walking and laughed at everything. 

"Lemme walk you home."  His words slurred together.

"What about my car?  It's still at the hotel.  And how will you get back to the  hotel?"

"Dre will be with me. You can get your car tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go then."

          We said our goodbyes to Phred, Eric and Kam.  They were the only guys left.  The rest went back to the hotel.  We walked hand in hand back to my house with Dre not far behind us.  It was quiet between us.  He was thinking hard. 

"Penny for your thoughts?"  I asked as I squeezed his hand slightly.

"It's nothing."

"Tell meeee." I whined liked a little kid.

"It's stupid, I was just thinking..."

"Thinking what?"

"How I'm going to get you back to LA with me."  He stopped and looked right at me.  I couldn't believe what he said, I think my mouth was open.

"It was stupid I know."  He removed his hand from mine to dig in his pocket to pull out a box of cigarettes and a lighter.  He quickly lit it and took a long drag.  I watched him. "Well say something!" He started to walk again taking drags here and there. I quickly caught up to him. 

          I honestly didn't know what to say!  He wants to take me back home with him to LA.  Everything was moving so fast.  I couldn't think straight and my impending hangover wasn't helping. "How do you plan on taking me with you?"  I asked shyly.

He took another drag before speaking. "I haven't figured that part out yet."

          We walked the rest of the way in silence.

"My house is on the left. "  I said breaking the silence.  We walked up my steps with Dre on the sidewalk watching us. 

"Thank you for literally the best date ever Adrienne."  He leaned in for a kiss but quickly pulled away to lean over the railing to throw up.

"Oh jeeze."  I rubbed his back while he threw up everything in his system.

"I'm sorry."  He said wiping his mouth.

"It's fine don't worry about it.  Do you want an aspirin?"

"Yeah, that would be great."  He said.  "Maybe a mint too?"  He smiled weakly.

"There's a toothbrush calling your name. Come on." I said unlocking my door brining Bruno and Dre into my home. 

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