Drivin' Me Crazy A Michael Jackson Fanfic ( Sneak Peak)

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Christina's POV

It was another dreadful, boring day at my fashion designing job. It was also a rainy day. I was sitting in my office sketching a design for a new dress. Then my boss called me into her office.

Mr.Robins: Christina come into my office please!!!

Christina: *walks in* Yes Mrs.Robins?

Mrs.Robins: You're fired.

Me: WHAT??!

Mrs.Robins: You heard me.


Her: Shh



Me: Oh Come O-

Her: GET OUT! Now.........

I grunted and walked away.My co workers just laughed at me. They were total snobs to me.I was now out the studio and it was raining cats and dogs. "MY UMBRELLA!!!!" I ran back to the doors and they were locked. "Shit!" I ran inside my car soaking wet and drove home. I walked into my house and hopped on to my couch and just broke down crying! That is until I got a call from one of my best friends in the WORLD! Karen Faye. I immediately answered.

Me:*vioce shaking* Hey Karen *sniffles*

Karen: Heyyy what happened?

Me: I-it's nothing *wiping my eyes*

Karen: Christina......

Me:Okay ok, I got fired from my job today.

Karen: What?! Why?

Me: She never even told me


Karen: I can't even begin to think of ONE reason why Robins would fire you! You're an amazing fashion designer!

Me: Thank you...I hope I find something else soon.

Karen: I know you will-Oh Christina I'll call you back! Okay?

Me: Okay

*we hang up*


Karen's POV

I was so pissed right now. I always knew that Robins was a snob! I hung up because an anouncement was being made by Michael's fashion designer Margaret.

Margaret: I have really big news.

Everyone: What is it!???

Margaret: I'M pregnant!

Everybody: Awwwwwwee.

Michael: *walks next to her* Sadly that means that she has to go...

Everybody: Awwwww....

Michael: Margaret, I'm going to miss you so much- We're  all going to miss you.

Margaret:*getting teary eyed*

Michael: I would like to give you this..

Michael handed her a 30,000,000,000 paycheck for all the years she's worked for him.

Margaret: Oh my gosh Michael.....I can't take all this money-

Michael:No please take it..my treat to you and your baby.

Margaret: Thank you Michael *tearing up and hugs him*

Michael:*hugs back*

Everyone including me said their goodbyes and wishes to Margaret and she left. Michael walked up to me.

Him: I have to find a new designer. Bad tour starts next month!

Then it hit me! I could get Christina to work for Michael! She has a HUGE crush on him. I know she would LOVE it!

Me: Michael?

Him: Yes?

Me: I know a fashion designer!

Him: Really what's his/her name?

Me: Her name is Christina Jenson.

Him: Is she good?

Me: She's amazing!

Him: Okay I'd love to meet her!

Me: When?

Him: Tommorow is fine.

Me: Okay.

I was so excited for Christina.


Christina's POV

I had just gotten out of the shower and dryed my hair and changed into some pj's. Then Karen called me back.

Me: Heyyyy.

Her: *giggles* Guess what??


Her: I got you a Job!!!!


Her:But not just any fashion designer job...


Her: You're gonna work for Michael Jackso-


Karen: Hahaha I knew you'd love it!

Me: How?

Karen: Margaret got pregnant and left and I suggested you and Michael wants to meet you! Tommorow!!!!!!!

Me: Oh my goshhhhh!!!!!

Karen: Hahahaha good night girl! Make sure you lookin' pretty for Mikey bear!

Me: *blushing hard* Hahaha shut up! Haha Goodnight!

*we hang up*

I was so excited and nervous. Like OMG!!!!!!!! What was I gonna wear? What hairstyle?  Makeup? And how was I gonna act???? He's FREAKING HOT AND CUTE AND SEXY!!!!!!!!  AND HIS PERSONALITY IS JUST TGXFVZDGXDSS!!!!!! Lord help me tommorow. ....

Lol I hope y'all liked the sneak peak. Leave a comment.

Drvin' Me Crazy ( Michael Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now