The date

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Gumball's pov:

The next few weeks of school were actually uneventful, the only thing worth noting is probably I'm hanging out with marshall more, and made some new friends at lunch. Marshall's still worried about Mr. Ricardio but he's just being overprotective.

But the one thing I can't get out of my head is that kiss. Why did he do it? Why did he get so angry when I didn't kiss back? Why did I like it so much?

Marshall hasn't said anything about it yet and so I've kept all my questions to myself. It's for the better.

"Bye pepps see you later!" I say kissing props on the forehead and running out of my house wanting to get to school as soon as possible.

When I arrive I see a familiar pale figure waiting for me by the entrance.

"Marshall!" I yell running up to him.

"Well someone seem to be in a good mood today. What's sup?" He says leaning back on the wall.

"Well I've made some new friends at lunch and they all seem to be really nice you should come meet them!" I say cheerfully with big eyes.

He sighs and and rolls his eyes.

"I could never say no to those eyes come on" he walks inside the building and I follow along happily.

At lunch I quickly find Marshall and draw him over to the table. At the table we have Fiona, a blond fun loving adventurous girl and her best friend/sister cake a dark blond girl with a sassier attitude. She always wears these cat ears even though the teachers say no. On the other side we have mono that boy that brought Marshall's car for us a couple of weeks ago and a boy named flame with bright hair the color of fire.

Me and Marshall sat down and immediately Fiona and cake shower him with questions. He fits in perfectly with us it's amazing. I've never had this kind of thing in my life it's better than I could have ever imagined. I smile the entire time not wanting this moment to end...and then the bell rings, oh well I'll see them Monday.


Last bell of school ring and everyone rushes out of classrooms to go home. I say bye to whoever I see, getting push by people trying to get out most by accident.

I walk outside the school building finally getting way from the crowd and let out a sigh of relief, when I see Marshall leaning on the school gates looking impatient tapping his foot and looking at his phone.

He spots me and jumps up.

"Yo, gummy come here!" He shouts and I walk over.

"Yes Marshall?" I say holding the strap on my backpack.

"Yeah so, can I walk home with you tonight? My car's out of gas so I left it at home today." I look at him with a suspicious look. He's lying through his teeth but I guess I'll just go with it.

"Sure it's nice to have someone to walk with anyways" he smiles.

"Sweet lets go!" He grabs my arm and walks quickly...the opposite direction from my house.


After a while of walking and finally getting back on the right track starts to get a little dark outside. We pass by a little park and Marshall tugs on my sleeve and points at a bench by some poorly kept bushes almost 7 feet tall.

"Can we take a rest over there?" I nod and he walks over with me and sits down. He looks around.

"Not a lot of people out right now, it's not even that late yet" he says leaning back a bit.

"Well it is starting to get rather dark" I set my bag down.

"True, true" he looks up at the sky and we sit there in silence for a minute.

"Hey, Gumball?" He says keeping his eyes at the sky.

"Yes?" I reply looking at him.

"...Did you hate it when I kissed you?" And my face turns a dark shade of red.

"W-what are you talking about?" I say just wanting to hide in a hole.

"You haven't said anything about it...and you where so tense the entire time." He says looking at me a bit now.

"W-well you haven't either! A-and of course I was tense you kissed me.." I look down and mess with the edge of my shirt.

"Did you hate it?" He leans back forward trying to look at my face.

"O-of course not.." I try to hide even more leaning forward. Marshall gets up and crouches down in front of me.

"You mean it?" He says looking me in the eye. I just nod with a tomato red face. He just grins and kisses me grabbing my head pulling me closer.

I'm freaking out, what do I do? My hearts pounding out of my chest, do I like Marshall? No I not? If so why do I want to kiss him so much?

I kiss back and close my eyes holding the bench so hard my knuckles are turning white. He breaks the kiss and looks at me grinning from ear to ear, and I just look at him embarrassed. He stands up and puts his bag back in his back.

"Good rest now lets go!" He smiles and I stand up and sling my back back in my shoulder. Marshall takes my hand and walks me home.


I lay in my bed my thoughts piling up in my head, when I get a text from no other then the one making my thought run wild. Marshall.

<Sup, Gum butt you free tomorrow~?>

                                                      <yes why?>

<Sweet we're going on a date tomorrow be ready by 12:00 I'm picking you up>


<Night Babe see you tomorrow~>

I plug in my phone and turn it off and stare at the ceiling.

I got a date....what do I do!?

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