Chapter 2: Piglet

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HI!! Welcome to, CHAPTER 2 OF HYBRIDS!!! YASSS!!! SO EXCITED!!! Ok, thank you for reading this chapter! Please tell me what you thought of this chapter, please!! Thank you!! ENJOY!!


Tyler's POV

I watched my father, the warthog hybrid, tuck me in as my brother and sister run around, while I was sitting in my bed, being the good one. "Rory!! Stop!!! GIMME MA KITTY BACK!!!!"

"Gotta come get it, Ripley!!!"

"Not funny! You bully!!"

I watched as my brother, Rory carried her white kitten stuffed animal above her head and teased her. Her eyes started to tear up as she was screaming for her ball of fluff. My mother, a miniature pig hybrid walked in the room, looking at Rory. "Rory James Wildcat! You stop it right now young man! You give her back her kitty and go to bed! All of you!"

Rory sighed and put his hand out, giving her, her kitty. Ripley smiled and hugged the stuffed animal, climbing into bed. Rory jumped on the bed, landing next to me, ruffling my hair. I growled at him, I didn't like most of my siblings, they were too childish for me. He stuck his tongue at me.

"Remember, Tyler, your still the runt! Remember we are all gonna grow up to be strong warthog hybrids while you stay here with mom and dad, as a normal pig hybrid! No pig hybrid will ever be as strong as a warthog!"

"Oh, shut up, Rory! Your just a bully! Bully's will always get a punishment! You have no bravery! You have no respect!! You will never be a true warthog like dad!! Mom's a miniature pig hybrid! Are you calling her weak?! Are you calling your own mother weak?! You idiot! She made you! If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't exist, pea brain!"

He looked down at his thumbs, twiddling them. His eyes filled with salt water. My mother and father's eyes, filled with shock and surprise. Yeah, I showed him. I proved myself as being brave over the bully's. I pulled the covers over myself and smiled. My dad bent down to my ear.

"Tyler, I know your brother can be a bully sometimes, but know one could make him cry like that! Like, that was brave! Good job son! Your becoming a true pig hybrid! Your making your family proud!" My smile went bigger as I hugged my father. I looked back at Rory, his face was filled with anger and jealousy. I wasn't the smallest of my litter but I was just different.

My dad left the bed, all three of us getting on three separate parts of our bed. I cuddled up with my stuffed animal, Simba the lion. My pig form slowly disappeared as my mom and dad both walked out of the room, shutting off the light. I closed my eyes and let the darkness takeover me.


I saw a lion hybrid. The hybrid walking, walking right towards a huge wall. He stopped and looked up at the wall. He went towards it, finding an area under the wall that was uncovered. He dug his was through, getting to the other side. The area was filled with grassy area and tons of farms. He walked to a house, it looked like...My house! I mean, we do live next to a huge wall! The hybrid walked onto the porch of our house, knocking on the door. Footsteps could be heard, the door opened to reveal my mother looking at the predator. Her eyes widened, she was screaming, falling backwards. She ran back into the house, reaching for the phone. The lion hybrid was startled and ran back towards the wall.

Before he could make it, a pig hybrid grabbed his arm and tossed him on the ground. It looks like me! It was like a glimpse in the future! Th pig hybrid held the lion hybrid down, waiting for something. The lion hybrid was breathing heavy, looking up at the other hybrid. They locked eyes. But before the dream could continue, a shade of pink glowed, covering my whole view.


I awoke, my eyes widened as I looked around, finding it was in the middle of the night. I rose up, looking around the room, finding nothing of difference. I sighed and laid back down. Still unanswered questions ran through my head. Who was that lion hybrid? Was this real? Did the goddesses, Jonathan and Evan give me this dream? Was this important? I lay there, half asleep, while a predator still rumbles through my head.


YAY! FINISHED ANOTHER CHAPTER!! YASSS! Ok, remember to comment what you thought of this chapter! There is still more to come, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow. Idk. But anyways, hope you enjoyed!! BYE!!

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