Chapter 15: Demon Rage

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HI!!! Welcome back to another chapter of, HYBRIDS!!!!! Thank you for reading!!! I hope you like this chapter!!! And thank you for all the wonderful comments in the last chapter, thank you!!!! Hope you ENJOY!!!


Craig's POV

I clasped the hard black floor as I walked the room. My small red panda paws crawled behind Tyler, following him through the horror of hell itself. He sniffed through the air, tracking the next room. The two other hybrids followed our every step, following us to the exit. "

I kept hearing little whispers each step I took, but soon stopped when Tyler hit another door. He nudged it with his nose, making it creak open with a line of light coming into the room. The room was dark in color as noises of crashes and bangs came from it. My eyes widened as two familiar faces were fighting the dreaded evil of Nanners. They both had defeated him once, but that power has been brought down to us, Tyler and I. The power has then faded from their grasp as they were drained from their advantage to defeat Nanners.

Yes, Jonathan and Evan were in fact throwing everything they got at him. To beams of light, to the frail of the disticable they were indeed losing this war as Nanners had become to powerful.

Jonathan's blue eyes scattered upon Evan as he was lying on the floor, near unconscious. His blue orbs filled with salt water as he watched Evan, failing to communicate with Jonathan. Jonathan held him in his arms, wrapping their love in a knot. His tears trailed down his cheeks, dripping down onto Evan's cheek. "P-Please! E-Evan!! W-We've been through so m-much!! N-Not now! N-Not ever! P-Please!" Jonathan's cries echoed through my ear as I felt myself starting to break down into tears.

I ran as fast a my little paws could go, running towards the two. My limbs soon stopped, right in front of Jonathan and Evan. My ears went down, as soon a second I realized...Evan was fading away. His legs already disappeared, faded away by the gust of wind. my head dropped to the ground as Jonathan layed his head on Evan's chest, crying softly as Evan's eyes started to close. 

No, it can't be

Tyler and the other two hybrids ran to his side, looking down at his lifeless body. Tyler's tail dragged behind him, with his ears dropped. I went up to Evan, and laid my soft furry head on his leg. I whined, while a tear streamed down my face. Jonathan's whines filled our ears, making the tension worse. 

Evan's eyes opened, slowly looking down at Jonathan who was practically a waterfall at this point. Evan lifted his hand, touching Jonathan's cheek. He smiled down at the younger man, dropping a tear. 

"It's ok...It's ok...Don't cry...Don't cry...I will always be by your side, from dusk till dawn...Forever and always...I will always love you." 

The words dripped from Evan's mouth, like silk and rain drops. Jonathan rose up, kissing Evan's lips, as Evan's body was faded to his chest. Jonathan's tears leaked onto Evan's cheek. Jonathan releases, looking into Evan's eyes as his body soon faded away, leaving into a mist of wind.

Jonathan's eyes closed, holding in the rest of the tears soon to fall out. He put his hands on his head, clutching his hair. His eyes opened, revealing someone totally different. My breath hitched as his eyes were dark blue, with a hint of black. His teeth grinded against each other. He screamed, his sharp teeth start to show. 

He stood up, cracking his neck. Tyler grabbed me, dragging me closer to him as he growled at the new being. He laughed, like a complete psycho raging. His eyes practically popped out of his head as his pupil were the size of a crum. He titled his head, grinning like a mad man. 

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