Becoming Shinobi

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So here we go with what is around chapter 5, I think. I've been really liking this story and wanting to write it, so that's why it's getting updated so quickly. Its a fun version of Naruto, and I'm really liking how much fun it is to write Saeko's character. Basically, I'm writing her based off of the Shibu Inu I own. She tends to act kind of stuck up and like she's better than everyone else, but she's really loyal and kind when she's just around the people she knows and trusts. Saeko is very similar.

Team 7 is different from before, and working much more like a team. I didn't want to make Sakura so useless in the story, since I actually like team 7, and I want them to kind of become a team very early on. This of course has effects on part of the canon, like Sasuke leaving for more power (doesn't happen), Sakura learning medical ninjutsu (starts happening way earlier) and Naruto using the nine tailed fox's power (also happens differently). That's not all that's changed because of decisions I made in the first chapter. Also, OOC Kakashi ahead. He'll still show up late and stuff, just not in this chapter.

Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying the story.


Naruto was unceremoniously rolled out of bed by a small but persistent ninken. Glaring up as he rubbed his head, he growled at her. The reddish brown dog just smirked at him and jumped down to join him on the floor. He was bigger than her, and a lot heavier, but by infusing chakra into her paws she'd made the work much easier on herself. She also made sure to position the boy so he would fall off the top bunk, and into a pile of pillows she and Akamaru had created in the floor when their partners refused to be woken up by the alarm. Kiba yelped as he soon joined Naruto in the pile of pillows.

Both ninken laughed as the boys indignantly tried to untangle their limbs to allow them to leave the pile of pillows, which took longer than expected. Naruto glanced at the clock, groaning when he noticed that it already read 7:35 am. He'd promised to meet with his team here at his house in five minutes to have breakfast and talk through some various things. Kiba also groaned, since he had invited Hinata and Shino over as well. He wasn't even sure if they'd actually show up today, but if he wasn't one time their mother wouldn't let them live it down.

They rushed to get ready, shooting annoyed  glares at the two ninken, who just wagged their tails and watched them go about their daily routine much faster than normal. Naruto was seriously getting tired of rude awakenings this week, but he knew that he was probably going to end up getting more. He trudged into the bathroom and yawned as Saeko sat and the door way and watched him trying to smooth down his messy hair.

"You're going to have to get used to it," she said. "You're a shinobi now. You can't go sleeping in when you're out in the field."

"Yeah, yeah," he growled, "I get it. Was pushing me out of the bed really neccisary though?"

"Kaa-san and Kuromaru-san would have done worse," Saeko pointed out, making the boy shudder a little.

"Point taken," he sighed as he finished his routine and made his way into the living room.

Hana was sitting on the couch, reading through a book on medical ninjutsu used for animals again. She was always studying it even though she'd been trained to be a vet for the various animals of the Leaf Village for some time, especially including the dogs of her clan. Like most medical ninja, she had amazing chakra control and large reserves, making her perfect for intensive and casual care alike. Not many ninja could train to become medics, but it was even more rare to find one that specialized in animal care. The three Haimaru brothers were curled up in the corner, watching Kiba with amused expressions.

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