Shinobi's Fangs

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So here we go with chapter 7. I ended up changing this chapter, mostly because originally I was going to have team Gai vs Team Kakashi. That wouldn't have made much sense, especially with the upcoming Chuunin Exams. I mean, Naruto already fights Neji, so I didn't want to bring anything else up that could change too much. As I said though, this story is almost completely deviating from canon, so I will be changing things.

One of those is the over all power of all of the ninja that make up the Konaha 15 (in this story 15 because Sai, Sasuke, and Saeko are counted in that number). Now they'll be going to get their new mission (more time skips because I'm lazy lol, though this should be the last for a while).

In this chapter there will be the first hints at the huge changes I'm really making to the overall storyline. Get ready, because things are getting weird.


As Team 7 got better at their new jutsu, the other Genin, including Team Gai, were working quickly to become stronger and not fall behind Team 7. Within two weeks, the genin were getting more and more powerful, striving as if these were war times and not peace times, and the training was already spreading rumors to other lands of the powerful graduating genin from Konoha's Academy. More ninja were seen patrolling the streets as the young ninja trained under their sensei, and true to his word, Kakashi had cut back their training while striving to make sure that it remained challenging for them.

Those two weeks certainly didn't pass uneventfully though, seeing how the teams were almost always testing each other and training together even when their senseis weren't around. There was a sense of rivalry between all of them, but also a quickly growing friendship. It was impossible to not miss things between each other, like the way Neji looked at Hinata (glared at would be more accurate), the way Ino and Sakura still tried to kill each other on a regular basis, and the way Naruto and Kiba would challenge each other almost as if for pack status, which would start a fight between the two and their ninken that Sasuke had to assure the others was completely normal.

Sasuke was nearly completely at home in the Inuzuka compound, and though they didn't adopt him to the same sense they had adopted Naruto, they were generally very kind to him and the dogs didn't mind him around anymore. The problem was that Tsume was still looking for a house in the compound that would be big enough, so three preteens and two ninken shared the same room and made things rather interesting in the mornings. The young genin kept pushing each other to get stronger, and even timid little Hinata was beginning to make strives towards becoming a powerful kunoichi.

Sakura kept practicing her medical ninjutsu and learning other various forms of first aid. She had learned how to stitch and care for wounds, check for infections, and even diagnose some more common diseases. She had some idea how to deal with some poisons and how to use needles with painkillers or basic anti-inflammatory medicine. She was also practicing more and more water jutsu, while Sasuke and Naruto were getting stronger themselves.

Kurama had even agreed that, with the use of his Kekkai Genkai, Naruto could begin learning to use some of his own chakra. Naruto was learning one jutsu right now, but whenever he asked why he couldn't learn more, the fox said it was because his chakra coils wouldn't handle it. It was the same reason he didn't show Naruto how to move his chakra like before with the Shadow Clone Jutsu. Naruto understood after that. The beast of Fire had a lot of chakra.

Today however as Naruto managed to wake himself up before Sasuke or Saeko decided to do it, he was more excited about the fact that today they were going to be getting their first C-ranked mission. Kakashi-Sensei had told them to meet him at the Hokage Tower in less than an hour, which meant he was actually going to be on time for once, and that they needed to get ready. Sasuke chuckled as he saw Naruto leap out of bed, getting a good luck bark from Akamaru that made Kiba growl sleepily. The blonde went about his daily routine and found Sasuke and Saeko at the table waiting for him.

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